Young Blasarius

A few highlights, scuffs, and a dip in a the stain make mine go from average to "OMFGLOB how did you get all that detail". I was very discouraged until I saw the finished (dipped/stained/washed) effect and realized that there are "tricks" that elevate the mundane to amazeballs.

It takes a REAL man to pull off pink pants*

"Exposing yourself to violence DOES make you more violent"

If your on a budget I suggest using the Antec 902. For the price ($89) it's a steal. Plenty of room for air movement, tons of fans (w/cleanable filters), sturdy build, and easy access for parts. I've had mine for a couple years now and I have no complaints. Spend the extra money you save and dump it into your GPU

I originally got my daughter into video games so I could spend time with her/and so she would know how cool I am.

This is a story for your grandchildren.

This game got me into FPS more then any before it. And I agree that proximity mines and slap fights are the only acceptable way to determine who is a true double 0, and no you can't play fucking Oddjob. So many controllers broken and friendships strained with marathon split screen matches.

Thanks. That's what I was thinking, but I wasn't sure.

All of your reasoning and common sense is hurting my head, the internet demands I jump to silly conclusions and thus leads me to believe that this is clearly puppy abuse and they are just buying their time until said puppy is big enough to be made into a glorious coat.

GTX 680 is what I believe they are referring to as the comparison for the 2nd most powerful, and maybe the i5 in terms of cpu strenght.

Yeah no point in escape tactics in that case, I also liked to ramp up the difficulty in FC2 to give it a little more replay value and challenge.

Shame that they will loose out on all of the sales they deserve. This is why we can't have nice things, and exactly why we have to suffer bullshit DRM.

Is it just me or does the brunette look a little like a hotter Natalie Portman?

Good patience and stealth worked fine, but it always seemed to me that if they did detect you it didn't matter how patient or stealthy you were. They would lock in on you and shoot you with NO line of sight, through trees/bushes. I much prefer enemy AI to have to have line of sight, in FC2 it seemed like they all

Where is your 360 located at? I had my first one (years ago) in my entertainment center, it kept overheating and eventually I think it lead to my first RROD. The problem was that it had no room to breath, it was an enclosed shelf and even with the glass door open it was to hot. If you haven't already, put your

One stabs while the other slashes, a shield provides more defense than a two handed offensive approach, if I get poisoned I must need to find some cure/herb before I go back to that area. Video games have been preparing me for a long time for this kinda shit, not that hard to figure out. Trial and error are a big

This. One of the many things I love about Dark Souls is the way it doles out little bits of lore in different ways. I always felt a little confused, scared, and in awe at the same time through out the entire game, almost like a dream state where you can't take anything for it's face value, just how my character

I think they decided to go another direction and do FC2. I would have played the shit outta it if they did though.

One of the main reasons I prefer PC over consoles. And competition is great, it's what capitalism is based on, but I would rather see that competition be driven by the developers not the hardware manufactures.

Fair enough, I choose 360 over PS3 for several different reasons, I don't even play Halo, Gears, or Forza. Kinect is a joke IMO, I received one for a gift and it's collecting dust as we speak.