Young Blasarius

When my first (actually 3rd, first two also RROD'd) 360 RROD'd, my wife seeing how upset I was got me a new one for my B-Day, not knowing that I was just waiting on the repaired one to be returned from MS. By the time it came back she was already hooked on the new model and the ease of having one in the bedroom and

True. It just seems like PS3 has been a bit of the red headed step-child for DLC and good ports.

I get WHY there are exclusives, but it doesn't stop me from not liking it. As a corporation like MS and Sony it's makes perfect sense sure, but as a gamer it still sucks.

Very cool, thanks. I still hope to be able to play this some day too.

I get that Sony paid for exclusive rights. Hell I've enjoyed far more Xbox 360 exclusives than I can count, but I feel bad that PS3 owners might miss out on them or get a shitty port years later.

100% this. For each NES game I had a different set of blows and wiggles. You have to pay attention to the needs and want's of the cartridge, sometimes a light blow and then just ease it in like a gentleman, other times a firm hand was needed, perhaps a little slap and tickle.

I have the same problem, it's like a game of "oh lets see which random case I put that game in I wanna play right now", once I open the first case I reverse my steps until I find the game I'm looking for. If my wife catches me doing this with our DVD's all hell breaks loose.

Off topic this is why I hate fucking console exclusives. I would LOVE to play this game.

Never mind that last bit, it's from the original FC, oops.

Yeah and they pop up EVERY 2 seconds for EVERYTHING if the vids I've watched are any indication.

Wow I haven't even played yet (xmas gift, can't wait) and they have already addressed what looked like the single complaint I was going to have.

I've heard that the in menu save works for your inventory but not your current mission progress or location in game. I also read that you can quicksave through devmode. I'm not playing yet so I wont know for sue until I get my copy. I've posted a fix below I read earlier, but haven't tested it myself. Also Google

I think its the mission reminder pop ups that would bug me the most. If possible after the patch I will probably play thru 1st with just the mini-map, and turn it all off for my second go around Rambo style.


Ubisoft: "Raping our customers into submission since 1986" does have a nice ring to it thought.

Yes. That's great.

Yeah the CPU cooling is gonna be a must so the money saved will help pay for that. I was originally looking at hydro coolers from Corsair(H50/60/80/100i), and Antec(Kuhler H20) but after some research it seems like the performance to price ratio isn't enough over the heat pipe coolers to justify the purchase. Any

Thanks. Yeah I don't multitask when I'm gaming so there shouldn't be a problem there. With the price of RAM I guess I can always jump from 8 to 16 when the need arises.

Thanks for the reply. I was looking at the Enermax ETS T40 for heatpipe CPU cooling but the Cooler Master is the same price so I will have to take a look at that one as well. As for the GTX 260 I would like to get some use out of it if possible rather than just ebay'ing it, I was curious about using it as a Physx

Opinions wanted please.