Clinton Portishead

Well, apparently a YouTube video with no comment meets the character minimum. Quick, someone make up a video of a +1.

Take a bow.

Yeah but who said anything about Mick Jagger's penis?

Now playing

I dig M83, he's playing a show here in DC this week with Active Child opening but it's sold out. Also down with Blind Pilot; I'll check out the CD, thanks. Not crazy on Real Estate but willing to give it another chance. Been spinning the new Tom Waits, Total Slacker, Caveman, and this one among others:

You'd be surprised at the quality of the horitculture programs they have at federal penitentiaries these days.

Now playing

Musical recommendation for my main man Uwe:

Also, if you guys are bringing back commenter of the fortnight, I demand my shirtsey from winning the last COTW before everyone forgot about it. I will accept an autographed 8x11 of Daulerio instead.


I've been banned 5 times. As Abraham Lincoln once famously said, it's just the fucking internet.

I'll take the magic over the execution any day.

The get-out-and-play initiative was originally known as Operation Shuttlecock before officials realized a plan of the same name already existed to send 3 cosmonauts to the ISS aboard Jabar Gaffney's penis.

Coming Tomorrow: The Joys of Tantric Sex, by Sting.

Everyone tune in for the handshake on Sunday


Crabtree was smart; when asked for his name by the officer, he responded "Braylon Edwards" and the charges were immediately dropped.

"His moves are intended to do little more than show how he's the one keeping the hired hands in their place."



"Name them all, and then punch yourself in the face."