
Cracker Barrel Caucasians. 

Donald Trump praised border patrol agent Adrian Anzaldua, who he said “speaks perfect English,”

> Trump declared “you’re not nervous, right?” before turning to the crowd and explaining that the agent “speaks perfect English.”

This has reached a point where if this was happening in a movie I would complain about the writing and how Trump is too much of one-dimensional villain.  No one can be this stupid in real life.

america works just like a car... you put it in (D) to go forward and (R) to go backwards...

He’s just so fucking stupid.

I haven’t had enough coffee to be dealing with this bullshit yet.

Totally off topic pancakes memes that I never get to use!

There’s no way in hell he hasn’t already flipped, this is just going to make it officially public when he pleads guilty as part of the deal.

Now I'm hungry for both pancakes and Trump brand tea

Wakanda shit is this?

“Was that the timing belt?”

You sound like you want to be emasculated.


I thought “Agent Orange” was Trump’s KGB code name?

The people who constantly complain about poor people (who do not have much money in the bank) taking assistance from the government, be it in food or housing vouchers, are the same asswipes that see no problem with the government giving away tax breaks for companies or sports teams that have very large sums of money

So I want to do $75000.00 worth of renovations to my house- will the city give me $25000.00 in tax breaks to do it ? I will employ local homeless people to do the work on my house

It would be fine if you had public transport, but that isn’t always an option.

I’m an adjuster and am handling a claim involving a 98 Saturn. It’s been in storage since the accident last week... Needless to say, the storage costs exceed the car value, so they can keep it as far as I am concerned.

This is why mandatory state inspections every couple of years are good. I used to live in a state that had no inspections. Not a day went by when I didn’t see a car on the highway that was clearly unsafe, and most usually also being driven at an unsafe speed or in an unsafe manner.