
You laugh, but in Middle Earth wagons outsell crossovers and people buy manual transmissions by default.

Jason Torchinsky would be a great replacement for Matt Leblanc.

riding as a passenger in the Hoffmann is somehow even more terrifying than driving it

They should all go have beers with Obama. Many pictures of actual human joy should really get 45 to grip his cheeseburger with fury.

Just as a reminder, here’s the context for the “deplorables” comment:

I think I know where MGM got their inspiration from

We want protections for people that were brought here when they were 2 years old and of no fault of their own. Just, have some damn empathy.

That is a gross oversimplification. No progressives want hoards of illegals coming in. We want better ways to get them in legally, i know you pump yourself full of tucker carlson and hannity everynight and assume we all love illegals and want them but that is a flat out fucking lie. If they are already here and

why can’t you progressives have that attitude when it comes to halting the flow of illegal immigration?

1) Is i3 a progressive?

There are 8,800 people working for BMW alone in Spartanburg, SC. Those people, are, I presume, Americans, because it’s in our goddamned country. Or does the cheetoh dust snorting idiot think Germany somehow annexed a US state?

Kelly needs to read the awesome racism-explainer that Monique Judge posted on The Root yesterday.

This was (basically) my car in high school. Same color and everything. I think 1/4 of that front bar still lit up by the time I got car.

It lights up when new, and then a few years down the road only part of it lights up because nobody replaces the burnt out bulbs.

Well, we could sell you ours! Come on down to Honest Bionic’s used cars, where we always have several old Bavarians in stock.

You can rationalize your inaction all you want.

The turnout for this referendum was over 64%.

Daughterfucker actually