2 in 1999 Suburban
2 in 1999 Suburban
True statement. My cousin, from gun country, was AT THE CONCERT in Vegas that got shot up with his wife. Both thought they were going to die and leave their 3 kids with no parents. His solution: “Don’t go to Vegas, they shoot people there.”
Oh, you sweet child of nature.
24 pictures in the ad and not one single shot of the underside. Yet they have FIVE shots of the rear seat. Pass.
It’s so rare to find an LC of any type for so cheap. I’d take it for what it is, fit some seat covers and have some Duke boys level of fun with it. If it breaks catastrophically, I won’t feel so bad.
Crack Pipe.
Taco night was rough this week.
I would love to see someone hand this to Trump.
He probably did. He’s very good with the cyber.
It is also an incredibly apt symbol of the alternative universe all Trumpanzees live in.
Nevermind, the website is so broken that you’d think Baron coded it.
I am proposing they sell this alternative coin.
What people don’t realize.....
Gosh, it’s almost like he went into the situation completely unprepared and was blindsided by the difficulties. Nobody knew diplomacy with North Korea could be so complicated.
Bullshit. The Veterans supposedly offended by the players taking a knee for social injustice fought/fight for their FREEDOM TO DO SO and ARE NOT OFFENDED BY IT!
Exactly. FWIW I think this is a troll article, but Obama should not be front and center for the reason you state. AND because the Dems need to stop being lazy and find/create new exciting leadership. They can’t use Obama as a crutch forever.
Leading the opposition to Trump and his policies is the last thing Obama should be doing.
It would appear that Obama must continue to play the “Magical Negro” role until white liberals are satisfied with his overall performance.
He only had the most stressful job in the fucking world for eight fucking years. He’s a fucking private fucking citizen and can do whatever the fuck he wants.