First mistake by the crooks.
I stalked met Torch in the pits, after this skid plate race. He was much taller than I imagined.
I have some sympathy if that really makes a difference to someone’s life, but the vast vast vast majority of Americans are going to be able to shrug off
$30 something a montha weeks’ worth of Starbucks.
“Point Nemo” The point in the ocean that is farthest from any land.
hehe... Does that voting app plot IP addresses? Any IP’s originating from heaven (or... down below)?
That $3k savings would put a small dent in the list of work (allegedly) already done to the OP car. Most of the stuff on that list is needed now/going to be need soon for a E39 of that vintage. The list doesn’t include window or sunroof motors, and it will be needing all of them. (ed: Looks like the sunroof has been…
We raised Corinths back on the farm when I was a kid.
If it’s a joke, lot of folks are in on it.
Millions of Los Angeles drivers rack up billions of highway miles around LA and 99% of them fail at basic math.
Children of the magenta.
So, the digital version of “FEED ME!”
The same folks who want 8K TV’s.