

First mistake by the crooks.

I stalked met Torch in the pits, after this skid plate race. He was much taller than I imagined.

...after all, the 928 has the best butt in the biz. Name me a better automotive badonkadonk and I’ll eat my words.

I have some sympathy if that really makes a difference to someone’s life, but the vast vast vast majority of Americans are going to be able to shrug off $30 something a month a weeks’ worth of Starbucks.

“Point Nemo” The point in the ocean that is farthest from any land.

I read Hurst, then went back and reread slush box... just in case I misread it the first time.

hehe... Does that voting app plot IP addresses? Any IP’s originating from heaven (or... down below)?

That $3k savings would put a small dent in the list of work (allegedly) already done to the OP car. Most of the stuff on that list is needed now/going to be need soon for a E39 of that vintage. The list doesn’t include window or sunroof motors, and it will be needing all of them. (ed: Looks like the sunroof has been

We raised Corinths back on the farm when I was a kid.

If it’s a joke, lot of folks are in on it.

Millions of Los Angeles drivers rack up billions of highway miles around LA and 99% of them fail at basic math.

Children of the magenta.

So, the digital version of “FEED ME!

The same folks who want 8K TV’s.