
In 10 years though, who knows how many satellites will be orbiting! See what the past 10 years has brought!

Is it possible that, even if it doesn’t strike anything, the (extremely) minor gravitational fluctuation it drags through could destabilize satellite orbits?

1. Isn’t that just a picture of Ann Coulter?

Being at Coachella at all is like having 10,000 lemons thrown at your face.

#Correction: Tim Apple

Oooo this is smart. Get a QR code tattoo that is now...mutable! Make it point to whatever you want as you get older. 

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn

The Multipla is inadvertently responsible for my favourite window sticker of all time.

Good points. Littering the slopes with 6474 dead elephants would, if anything, have a worse environmental impact than the 66 tons of human dung.

dude ... it’a all new math ... have your kid explain it to you

The volume of an elephant is about 112 decibels at one meter. A Florida Georgia Line concert can hit 120 decibels at the sound board. As FGL is approximately two half-ton pickup trucks worth of bullshit, the 66 tons of shit on Denali is about equivalent to 66 Florida Georgia Lines. Now, sound decibels are a hairy unit

You shut your whore mouth.


Now playing

Singin’ in the Rain from A Clockwork Orange. That video’s too potentially disturbing for a comment board, so I’ll post the horror-free original (though Gene Kelly was an asshole to a young Debbie Reynolds on set.).

Now playing

Not a horror film but I always cringe when I hear Stuck in the Middle With You because of Reservoir Dogs

Put it in a giant bag of rice when you’re done with the soak and it should be a-okay!

If I had to venture a guess, it would be that this same political party (GOP, and in particular Ted Cruz) has been defunding NASA for a very long time.

Not a question of ‘small hands’ but small pockets. This model is more compact and lighter than any of the bricks they’re pushing. Like McMansions and oversized SUVs, marketing departments have been trying to convince us ‘bigger is better’ for years. No thanks.