
(Because every time he thinks everything is fine.. razor blade!)

Ten years ago an openly gay candidate would never have gotten this level of attention or support.

Right idea, wrong execution. A flower car would be perfect though.....

Hah, I already mend-milded with The Doug and posted the correct answer.

100% this.

One word:

Citation Not Needed


And when you think the number of zeroes on the number you sue for is excessive,  add another zero. 

Meanwhile I have to get my drivers license and insurance scanned to test drive a Honda Civic

So a Texas police veteran, after 11 years, still doesn’t know how to deal with people in general, let alone how to take a woman into custody, let alone how to restrain a 45 year old woman without resorting to (a) a cattle prod, which just makes a person angry (and you wouldn’t want to see a black person angry),


To be fair he actually is a pretty ridiculous character.

Me: I know, right? Fuck Luke Skywalker. What a ridiculous character

Them: All I know is, if you’re gonna tell me that a child is going to travel the world for eight years training and learning to become a master fighter, I’ll tell you’re being ridiculous.

If you bonk one of them it won’t be like billiards. That satellite will break into many pieces (and the Geosynchronous ones are pretty big) all of those pieces on different trajectories. Then you also have to consider whether this asteroid itself has a field of tiny little pebble sized asteroids around it (likely)


“I’ll have the Kidde’s meal”