
maybe you should buy it

Trump reportedlytold members of his administration that the plane “sucked” (technical term) and that his personal 757 was much, much better.

Oh the humanity!


If there’s a bright side, this is the first time a Jaguar’s made a clean tackle on someone since 2017.

People take the surnames of the corporations for which they work, and persons with two jobs hyphenate their name, e.g.: Julia Nike-McDonald’s. Charity workers can also use their charity’s name in a hyphenated surname. Schools are sponsored and controlled by corporations, such as McDonald’s and Mattel. Though little is

You really can't compare both these guys, its like comparing Apples to Oranges

Trump: “My building says Trump, his says Apple.”

“The Oort Cloud is not sending its best”


Yet another animal displaying what is clearly joy in the act of play. I immediately felt like I could hear him thinking.

I didn’t realize God was into adultery, raw-dogging pornstars, grifting and lawsuits.

Yeah, obviously they are going to try and discredit him, but he’s going to jail for lies he told to help Trump and we’re supposed to believe he did that without Trump’s input? Give me a fucking break.

I know this gets thrown around a lot, but this meets most of his criteria. I would deem this the American designer car, especially for the Midwest

Obviously a white driver or the outcome would have been different and faster

Classic self burn.

If you’re traveling around Canada, this is a common site. Most of our switches have natural gas heaters.

Alternate method for setting fire to railroad tracks:

The old stroke-a-dope.