
“I never thought Leopards would eat MY face!” sobbed man who voted for the Leopards Eating Peoples’ Faces party.

For those stubborn rusted on bolts, the 9mm is like WD-40, but faster and more exciting to use.

Almost the most perfect Caprice.

Record-Setting Ice Hole...

Roman Moroni must be spinning in his grave...

I read that as TMNT2 gene. I guess there really was a secret in the ooze after all.

I doubt anyone in BH put an order in for one of these, let alone knows what it is (though they’ll probably think it’s a just mustang or volvo lol)

Datsun 280C wagon.

It’s a little strange this purple people-mover was at the show at all

Do we really want to say that anti-cop-killer legislation is also anti-Black-Lives-Matter legislation? I could have sworn that it was Republicans who insisted that BLM was about killing cops, and in doing so they were deliberately misrepresenting what BLM was about.

Glad to have your thoughts on it. “Chivalry in public is better than lewdness” is obvious but maybe not practiced. Maybe the shortcut of “treat women well” is the key in general.

I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not but a razor ad featuring drag queens / LGBTQ folks would be phenomenal.

Sorry, but I have it on good authority that it is the band Disaster Area.

“Your mom, last night. Sorry to have woken you up.”

I don’t think his views stem from a lack of understanding of the science at hand - I think they stem from him trying to use science to justify the empirical fact that he’s a racist, misogynist douchebag.

Pence was the head of Trump’s inaugural committee, said inauguration currently being criminally investigated for a LOT of shady financial ‘donations’ which looks like money laundering. I don’t know if he’s as untouchable or clean as people seem to think.

Rim scuffs, silly.

Hitler had walls. Check and mate.