
I came here looking for just this comment. Thank you!


You win the internet for today, congrats ;)

I am.

Is it f’ed up to hope he’s Modok?

It looks like a car being sucked into a black hole. That’s all I can see.

That might have been me.

Surprise: he’s playing Black Goliath.

Holy shit I did NOT get the Pip the Troll reference. That is EXCELLENT.

Pfff, it’s turtles all the way down.

The center is hollow and filled with nougaty goodness. Mmmm. Nougat.

Congratulations, that’s the second stupidest thing I’ve read all day....

clearly it was just checking in on the humpback whales

Something told me that if I was there for you, you be there for me too.

SOMEBODY is CLEARLY from planet Chandler...

That has to be the stupidest thing I’ve read all day.... congrats!

Just note the generics are slightly different (they’re generics of the Adrenaclick, so instead of just pulling off one cap and stabbing I think there’s two-I would have to look at my son’s to remember the precise difference). Not a big deal but you want to make sure anyone in charge of the epis knows the difference.

Get the generic.