
My dad voted for him. My dad is also a spiteful son of a bitch.*

Ah, looks like the the procedure to change the dome light bulb.



Hmmmm, as a Tech who regularly uses Office Products, this astounded me on two points. 1:Great spotting of a font! 2: Times Roman (Even new) is easier to read and I switch over to it every time I get new computers. (Yeah, aced my Desk-Top Publishing courses in Junior High) Funny fact if you block out the bottom half of

You could have shortened this up quite a bit.

Probably subterfuge, this is a travel system for space and the moons

710 fluid FTW

“This is why homeland security must be squared away, why our military must be invincible. This is why we must remember these things. Man’s inhumanity to man can be quite shocking...”

They launch the rockets at night, so no one sees them.

A lager drink

Assistant Winemaker and former six-year astronautical engineering student, here. You could totally ferment wine in space. Growing enough grapes to yield enough wine to bottle in space, from what I just read and know about spacecraft, no you can’t grow enough to yield more than a bottle or so per year. (Generally, a

Joe is 74 years old. He worked hard all his life and then became a great politician who ended up being next to the most powerful man in the universe. Now their 8 years are done and an orange guy lives in their house.

“Oooh! Someone left some amontillado in this airlock! Finders keepers...”

I imagine the Captain is at least thinking “I’m drifting a town! Beat that Ken Block!”

*Eurobeat intensifies*

Little known fact: this is how the Forester was born.

Calling all Raptor owners:

It really helped me understand that 5 percent number when I heard someone say that the NRA is not an organization for gun owners but an organization for gun manufacturers.

Cisco-Kid...................................I like your style, man.