
I now very much want a sentient otter in GotG 3.

It’s an easter egg. The only people who will be bothered are the ones who set out to be bothered by this kind of micro-continuity. Whatever it is, he should do it. The MCU can award its first no-prize.

Is it just me, or does it look like Pence says “Smile” in the GIF? Like he’s narrating what he’s supposed to be doing... lol.

Derwin employee 1: How can we make a decade-old Italian supercar less reliable?

I’m gonna laugh if Comey frisbees a copy of the Donald Trump Russian Hooker Piss Tape onto the table...leans back and throws on a pair of shades.

Why do people think that an old lady in a tube top is a law enforcement officer?

Can someone make a list of what movies these are from?

I think I just made a bootleg DVD cover .....

Planets migrate in the early stages of solar system dvelopment. Look up something called the NICE model for our system.

Current science and computer modeling indicate gas giants like our Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus form far outside the orbits of traditional rocky planets but migrate inward often ending up swallowing up or kicking out the smaller planets. They end up much like this planet. The only reason our system is not like this is

It probably didn’t form there.

Either way, we all know it’s just a rebadged bagel.

These assholes keep out-assholing themselves!

Funnier still would have been Superman simply blurting out, “He’s Bruce Wayne.”

Why don’t they just land at night?

Absolutely sickening that these women cave in to misogynistic Islamist pressure to cover their heads.

But the EMALS!

Marvel Presents Corridor Fight: The Series

Are you alright, Melania?

The soft rubber on the ignition key :)