
The Apollo 13 Lego set comes up short a few pieces but comes with a miniature roll of duct tape.

1,969 pieces? I see what you did there, Lego.

I surmise that this rabbit died when it was dragged out of the cargo hold so that some employee rabbits could be placed on board.

Your car shouldn’t have been dressed like that if you didn’t want it to be stolen.

“What were you thinking? You could have been robbed!”

I’m surprised that a V6 was able to do that much damage to a London home. Are you sure it wasn’t a V2?

The rules will change ever bloody month for the next five years. Enjoy it, seriously, because when they hit their teens they will pretty much want nothing to do with you.

Ha. Thanks. He does 5-6 hours of sleep at once now, but he’s also in this cute stage where if he isn’t asleep then he’s borderline fussy. But he is cute, so it’s okay.

My nine-year-old randomly asked about this movie the other day. I told him they canceled it, but it might show up on Netflix in a year or so (when I won’t have to endure it). I got out of the Minions and Angry Birds movies the same way.

The threat for Republicans is that the crowded field of nearly a dozen Republican candidates will dilute the GOP vote, enabling Ossoff to hit 50 percent and win the seat — and thus avoid a runoff in which he would be hard-pressed to defeat a GOP candidate in a one-on-one matchup.

I gotta say, I’m warming to Buick a lot these days as I get a little older and want a more comfortable ride. The new Lacrosse looks really nice, and if we get a new Regal wagon like they’ve teased so far I’ll be really tempted to buy one.

Shit, try doing that five minutes before air with the lead story. Perks of working at a tiny craphole local station as a teenager in the late 90s. Our 3/4" decks ate more tape than some of my coworkers ate food.

Last day in the call center

This is simply not true for most people. You are assuming that people will not click on the blatantly obvious fake ads or downloads for flash player which ends up being a virus. I’m a systems admin and deal with the removal of viruses constantly. To say that anyone can just forgo any antivirus solutions is ignorant.

SoS Tillerson should take up the Dance Dance Revolution Workout by Best Korea’s Kim Jung Unce Unce Unce. He’ll feel right as rain.

