
Genius? Nah, he’s just ahead of his time.

He’s too shit for this old.


Why no poop emoji?

Thanks everyone

The Bronco’s been discontinued. We’re trying to shed that whole “fugitive on the run thing.” This is the Escape!

As the manager of a Ford dealership, I will give the first 50 Bronco buyers a a free case of apple juice. You know, because OJ will kill ya. Hahaha... thanks, I’ll show myself out.

Two billion light years away two clusters of galaxies collided. Past tense. Two billion light years away was two billion years ago*.

Waiting for Google?

It’s honestly not as bad as you might think. You don’t even notice it when it happens. Pulling it out is a bit squicky.

If your Subaru is woody after four hours, see your doctor.

Sprucebaru Logacy Oakbark

The Miata people are going to come after you, but only in twos.

If Ridley Scott and John Carpenter opened a sushi bar...

since he cant sell burgers at his restaurant and can’t sell his steaks at sharper image, he has to take his beef to twitter.

“Chewie! You spilled all the words! Fuck it, *publish*.”

So, a flamethrower that shoots lightning? Sounds good to me!