
How has this not been brought up yet?

The old Fiat Multipla had a weird greenhouse.

One of these, floating a few inches from the ground? Nothing can top that.

The Mach 5 everyone.

The Herkimer Battle Jitney from Mystery Men

A) Michael Knight was not a superhero.

Stealthy as a Romulan Warbird!

Millennium Falcon duh.

Danger Mouse’s flying car.

If they are really concerned about safety, they should have a B pillar, or at least doors.

Even Google knows CVTs are shit.

After going away for a while, Chevy brought the Camaro back with a vengeance.

Step 5: Raise the ride height, give it a name like Macho TrailCock.

It’s the shaamp-on-ya of cars.

Chevy Celebrity Eurosport. Doesn’t get much more conceited than that.

Not only is it angry looking, it sounds angry, and I love it.

Pissed off truck is pissed off.

You have the right to remain silent....

Zenvo ST1, it looks like a bottom feeder that you just stepped on and is going to get revenge. Also it isn’t afraid to set you on fire.