
Don’t you just love the cheap ass plastic body cladding GM used? Looks like they they stole it out of a refrigerator and glued it on the side of the car. I always wanted to see them use the piece that holds the eggs.

What they should have called it, Ford Pull your ass over or the Ford Wiu Wiu

“Smart” - IS IT?

Chevrolet Celebrity

EV1. GM had to go through a lot of trouble and lost a lot of money trying to make good on its promise to bring this to market, after essentially spurring off CARB’s EV mandate. But, they got it into production and it seems like everyone who drove it liked it. The only thing with a lower drag coefficient was the VW

One of the devs in our office has a little sign that says “the cloud is just some else’s computer.”

“Hack” to describe doing anything.

Because in civil society a gun is a last resort, not a safety tip.

I’ve personally seen a small gentleman’s pocket knife instill a bit of fear and mistrust. No, the knife itself couldn’t hurt anyone, but the people who were afraid connected the knife with what they though of me and the kind of unsavory person I could be just because I carried a knife.

Considering GM made 4,789,905,325 Geo Storms, it’s bizarre to me that not even 20 years later I might see one a month. MAYBE. But a Storm wagon? I saw one this morning parked on the street across from my office and I almost had an aneurysm. Perfect timing.


Fiesta ST

It was my mother, GR. Light blue 1985 sedan Celebrity. It was awful.

The Yugo, this is what communism and socialism will get you. A hunk of shit.


Nice to see religious freedom used for good rather than evil. Go forth and do good things, ma’am

Jet powered snowblowers.

1986 ItalDesign Machimoto. I mean, it’s an 8-seat roadster with Lambo “doors” and two bikes inside.

Rinspeed Presto