The POV I’m interested in hearing from is the veteran that might have benefited from the Military Service Initiative.
The POV I’m interested in hearing from is the veteran that might have benefited from the Military Service Initiative.
Dear “edgy” people. Please continue to wear blackface and post it on social media with your real names. Really, it’s ok.
In fact, it’s more than ok. It actually makes life easier for everyone else to find you and recognize exactly how “edgy” you are.
Carry on.
So based on Kavanaugh’s testimony, he likes beer, he likes lifting weights, he responds passionately about some issues, and will provide light and innocent responses about potentially questionable topics.
In other words: he’s a jacked, angry, drinker willing to lie to congress about sex.
Nope, I see no problems here.…
I would love to see footage of everyone trying to take a picture with him.
Is that in Swindon?
I wouldn’t worry about Ivanka. Her wardrobe is already 100% MarmTeal.
If Trump wins the 2020 elections, I give a 10% chance we immediately break out in a sort of unofficial civil war...
If/when he ever gets drummed out of local law enforcement, he will always have a welcome place at ICE...
Who watches the Watchmen?
Will does.
You know you live in a racist country when protesting racism is seen as protesting against the country itself.
The Police Union will squash that line before it starts. Overtime is a big money game for officers, and no number of sleepy murders is going to change that.
There are already studies indicating that inherent racial bias, ethics violations, and use-of-force all increase measurably with longer hours worked, and that’s…
Some comedians deserve second chances, some don’t. I see the difference here as being a difference between words and actions.
Rosanne had a horrible choice of words. She crossed a line while trying to be funny, and it was crass and gross and bad all around. But that’s her job. Trying to be funny and crass and crossing…
I’m intrigued... is this a gold shovel just for digging shit? Or is it also for gold digging among shitty people?
Can I order a matching muck rake?
What about a trophy hoe?
First of all, I believe that politician’s looks should be off limits, for men and women both. Doesn’t matter their body type, clothes or whatever. All that matters with public figures is:
a) what they say, and
b) what they do.
End of list.
And secondly, my son looks damned adorable when he dresses in my clothes. Nothing…
There is a very narrow market for something like this. Perhaps if I owned a dinosaur themed mini-golf course in a vacation destination town, or... nope. That’s the only scenario this thing makes sense.