
They advertise as starting at $35k, but good luck finding any for under $41k.
Too steep for my budget - I bought a Subaru instead.

To make this fair, let’s run the race under load.

Talking on the phone or any other major mental distraction (like professional-grade acting) can increase the risk of car accidents.

I disagree. If this were the only political guest of the Democrats, you may have a point. But I think this is a smart move. The whole point of diversity is that it is a very broad spectrum.
I’m guessing that we’ll see a number of Democrat guests including Dreamers, BLM, MeTooers, Opioid survivors, displaced Puerto

If we *must* have a rich straight white dude give the Democratic rebuttal, let’s bring Jon Stewart out of retirement. (Either dapper anchorman Stewart or hobo-clip-on Stewart - doesn’t really matter which one.)

Run a live tally of facts checked, logical fallacies exposed, and general burns inflicted.

As a Masshole Democrat, I think highly of Joe. He uses he platform and privilege to serve the country well. I’m impressed with what he’s done so far, and I fully expect he’ll continue to rise.

That said, the optics of this suck. If we don’t plan to loose in 2020, we need to do better being the party of the people, not

Add a couple quick cuts of the following sequence:
1 - Palpatine looks like he’s pulling something inivisible to himself
2 - Padme suffering
3 - Palpatine, with his other hand, pushes something invisible in a different direction
4 - Anakin starts to move

Watermellon Starburst?

When did that become a thing?
Why is that a thing?

She was on Dancing with the Stars last spring, and did pretty well.

Or so I’m told. Why would you think I watch that show? (Shut up.)

My Jeeps are art. They increase property values. Proven fact.

Don’t get side-tracked. Her look, her fashion, etc., are not the issue.

Her tone-deaf comments and her complicity with the most regressive president in history are.

The manual transmission cars have a central tach and digital speedo, while the automatic cars have a central speedo and digital tach.

Straight man here.
I can think of no circumstances in which I would ever willingly refer to my phallus as a “button.” That’s just not flattering in any context.

45 is an idiot.

I used to feel that way, too. Then I pulled a muscle in my lower back last month. 

Now I love my Subbie’s heated seats.

“Happy 10th Birthday. Will you be at the mall later?”
-The Honorable Senator Judge Roy Moore.

The relevant factor here isn’t speed, but speeding tickets.
Unfortunately, that’s not just about speed or situational awareness, but demographically measurable racial, economic, and gender bias.

Republican isn’t a race.

Car safety testing company funded by Insurance companies makes sense. It is in their own self-interest to have the most accurate and comprehensive information.

Car safety testing funded by car manufacturers would be suspect. I only trust companies to do what serves themselves best.

If this is in the media consciousness again, I can finally bring back one of my favorite jokes from the campaign:

Q: What’s the difference between a Garbanzo Bean and a Chickpea?
A: Trump never paid to watch a Garbanzo.

Technically it’s a Woman Dollar, so it’s only worth $0.80 in man money.