
I’m done drinking for the next two weeks.

Wait, that came out wrong.

I’m done;
Drinking for the next two weeks.

I was thinking Al Franken had a pretty Samwise vibe. But I could see Kaine.

It’s Andy Kaufman. For the last 30 years, Drumph has just been a Kaufman gag.

That crazy Andy - he never let’s a good joke stop.

How do Reavers clean their spears?

*brace yourself*

They run them through the Wash.


When the GOP sends us their candidates, they’re not sending their best. They’re criminals. They’re rapists.
And some, I assume, are good people.

(I know this has been going around a lot this week, but still very fitting here.)

I’ve always considered myself a pretty liberal, open minded guy. But this last week has been eye-opening to me.
I finally understand what “rape culture” means.
I finally understand that the “somebody’s wife/daughter/mother” line is itself dehumanizing.
I had no idea.
I’m starting to see.
Hopefully, others will start to

If they were rich, suburban dogs, we’d be making excuses about how they were just celebrating a sports team win or Halloween or something.

Spoiled Brat.

“What do you mean you forgot our wedding scrap book? I thought you said you packed everything important!”

*sigh* “Yes, dear...”

Pretty brilliant from that perspective. 80% of software engineers won’t stick around more than 4 years at a gig like that, so Axon will have a pretty low payout rate. Much less than $10k/employee average, which is a pretty typical incentive.

I have a Subaru. Can I borrow 3 extra jacks?

This. Is. Awesome.
I was just complaining the other day that no human has gone to another planetary body in my lifetime. Or in the lifetimes of most of the people alive today.
We so need this.
Go Congress!
Go World!

Now playing

Nice... but it’s no ThunderCougarFalconBird.

Wait wait wait... there was a *good guy* named Smedley? I thought it was a made up literary name to indicate a henchman/weasel. Like “Malvolio”.

My wife wanted to name her new Ford Focus Hatchback (non-RS) Shelby, just because she liked the name.
I told her that there was already a Ford named Shelby, and this wasn’t it.

Counterpoint - not even Star Wars characters care.

When Luke and Uncle Owen are buying droids at the beginning of Episode 4, They originally select C3PO and R5-D4. The R5 fails in a puff of smoke, and Luke calls out “Uncle Owen - this R2 unit has a bad motivator!”

So either a) they’re all R2s, or b) they may not be R2s,

I don’t want to give away anything that Dr. Star doesn’t want to reveal, but I will say that he likes turtles.

In a recent FEC filing, DNC is reporting payment to Andrew Dice Clay as a “Debate Preparation Consultant.”

Zipper merging will happen when autonomous cars happen.
Most human drivers are too selfish to sacrifice their own perceived advantage for the common good.

Thank you.
You presented your viewpoint. Then in the face of new information, you graciously changed your position (or at least made an allowance for this situation).
This was civil, rational and reasonable.
This is a rare and wonderful thing I just witnessed.
It’s something we don’t see enough of in the world.
