
Was she coming after him with a Banana?

With all of this discussion about Ivanka’s workplace sexual harassment scenarios, it’s almost as if the Trump men have spent a lot of time thinking about their daughter/sister, with whom they work...

The kid wasn’t being singled out.
The Fresno Unified School District has their Student Handbook published online. Page 40, Prohibited clothing includes:

Dear China,

If these same people occupied this building without their guns for this same cause, it would be considered a sit-in. A time-honored and dignified form of protest.

The presence of their guns and their threat of using force against “tyranny” of government agents changes everything. The threat of violence to achieve a

The world’s first transformer! It “crumple-zones” into a casket.

Counterpoint - Obi-Wan and Luke were able to hide on Tattooine precisely because Vader was from there.
The books raise the question of how Yoda was able to hide on Degobah, when his power would make him so visible to the Sith. The answer given is that the cave near his home is such a strong focus of the dark side, that

In Soviet Russia, you don’t get tired...

Do you know the internal temperature of a Tauntaun?


The XM1124, also known as the Hybrid Hummer.

I survived being a teenage hoonigan in an ‘87 Chevy Celebrity V6. The thing would rattle like hell at 70 mph, but then smooth out in a “whoa - that’s too quiet” kind of way at 80. The speedometer only went to 85, but my friend in the Accord on the flat farm-country roads said he was doing 110 when I caught him.

“I am a sex addict” is the insect’s excuse.

“Clean” Diesel.

Pff. A8 + ton.
That’s both a review and a pronunciation guide.

Tomorrow’s update - NYPD, Secret Service and Port Authority shut down Manhattan airspace for Papal Visit. All private and commercial choppers grounded.

Nice Profile. Introducing the 1991 Geo Storm!

The SoroSuub X-34

Scrap it!

3 women in the commercials all claim that they were at fault. The 1 man in the commercials claims it was someone else’s fault.
Gender bias. What’s in your insurance company’s wallet?

Also - any risk-based business that doesn’t increase your rates when you demonstrate increased risk is just admitting that they were