My thought, too. Get a quick release, fixie hipster.
My thought, too. Get a quick release, fixie hipster.
Can I get an Amen?
No shower curtain? I call fake. Drum up lots of publicity now, leak the tape, then the suit gets quietly dropped/settled.
The CVT in my 03 Civic Hybrid defines its personality.
"Cannonball!" With David Carradine. Imagine Cannonball Run, with a 1-star cast, no humor, more sexist & racist overtones, and some of the worst driving and crash sequences ever.
For Spelunking. You know, cave diving...
Whoa - good answer.
A 2003 Honda Civic Hybrid. It's what I drive.
It was already remade. It was called "Escape from LA."
Is it still a "wheelie" if it's the back wheels in the air? Redneck Rollercoaster FTW.
I second the Shining, but wrong vehicle.
After society falls, pouring whiskey into a gas tank will be a capital crime.
After society falls, pouring whiskey into a gas tank will be a capital crime.
After society falls, pouring whiskey into a gas tank will be a capital crime.
Go Local. FLYPmode looks like the most fun a rugged mil-spec runner can deliver.
Re-read your comment, then re-evaluate. You may have missed a word, or maybe you missed a concept.
That's probably why he was exposing his teeth. That monkey-jerk in the camera was trying to out-alpha him.
NYC Subway - aka "Shower-train"