
It's a bony claw protruding from his ass, impaling his sneakers. What isn't clear about that?

Caught on film - the Death Star launching their new "anti-laser" dark beam at a hapless volcano.

Lesson: wait until the train comes to a full and complete stop before trying to use the third rail as a lighter.

Can I get an Amen!

Alternate ending:

Killing of wagons and building more SUVs for the bass-ackward CAFE standards. We all lose.

Towels are fine with Delta. Yarmulkes are another story...

Hanging paper, attached to your bike, right behind your tailpipes. Bad idea, or worst idea?

Seconded. I would buy almost any 36+ mpg wagon.

They did. Well, for rabbits, not Mongols. But the same idea, generally.

Smart ass-reply.

Why did you turn?

Was there a moped inside the Mazda?

Howie was frickin brilliant. Bzzt. No, no, start over. Bzzzt. No, start again. Bzzt. The comic timing was genius.

Glad to see "Spy Hunter" made a showing.

Extreme Brown-Note?

Like you could even know that. Gosh!

eInk + color, please. If they can do it for OLPC, I'd like to see it in a consumer tablet, too.

Camaro: Bitchin.

I was just thinking that - Bruce totaled his Lamborghini and his rambler in the last movie. This could be the new batmobile salvaged from the parts.