
Am i the only one that hates the idea of games looking like real life?

I thought the "Wild Theory about Destiny's Story" was there is one.

I will remember this every time that i will put gas in my car..

Majima San control your people please, We don't want Kiryu san to make a visit

Such a great episode.

And man - the last bit about 'So... Hey, whichever one of us...' 'Huh?... Oh, yeah, yeah - I'll totally go to yours.'

: /

Were you in charge of the monitor text animation in The Matrix?

You know I really really want to feel for them because a bad launch for a console does indeed stink in a country that is often a major player of the product involved but I just can't. Microsoft did so much terrible garbage before it's launch and after where it pretty much said whatever to some of these markets on

OK, but this post is about the internet hate machine, which is very large. This post is not saying that everyone calling for transparency in journalism is also sending death threats to women, but it sure is condemning the latter group. (And I'll go ahead and say it: if anyone reading this has sent death threats, feel

You want us to be Dan Hsu? Or you want us to be transparent (as we have been) and ensure we try to avoid, and in the worst case disclose all possible conflicts of interest as Stephen promised we would do when he addressed this all last week? I don't know what else you're asking for from Kotaku.

Glad we finally get to see some female Turians lol.

Remember to make the windscreen bullet-proof.

No one is advocating removing all violence directed towards women from all games. That's pretty much a strawman position that people who don't want anything to change use to rail against.


I want to punch this article in the face for suggesting that it's okay to talk to me while using public transportation. I am not hiding behind my book, I am reading my book. I have a two year old at home and my commute is the only time I have to enjoy it. Do. Not. Interupt. The Reading.

I'm pretty sure the Illusive Man was using something like this after he had been indoctrinated.

Everyone likes to assert that Kardashian is "famous for being famous." But as Samantha Allen writes over at The Daily Dot, "It's not that Kardashian doesn't work; it's that her work is not recognized as legitimate within a sexist world that sees feminine culture and lifestyle as frivolous pursuits undeserving of any

I'm the same way! I try and play games like that "how I'd react" in real life and therefore I never want to replay them, because I already made my decisions my way.

I love games where you can choose yours actions, but I have to say that i never replay them. That one gameplay was mine, and that ending is mine, and don't care about the other endings, but knowing they exist makes my time with the game really unique. :)