
There is a strange lack of praise for Warner Brothers in this article. Movies aren’t made by one individual and don’t just appear out of nowhere. Give credit where it’s due.

Last of Us attains masterpiece status once the game hits 'winter'. You'll see. The game is basically a slow ominous build up into an emotional orgy of violence and tears with an ending people are still discussing to this day. FINISH IT.

Yep, couldn't last more than 60 seconds, too jarring.

Everyone, quick: your opinions on that Yakuza zombie game? I own it but have yet to play it. (I've played Yakuzya 3 and 4. I preferred 3. The 4th game felt like a less interesting retread)

Also worth highlighting is the usage of fire which not only gave you an advantage in crucial moments, but like Luke says, also worked against you if you weren't careful. The tension was pretty consistent all throughout the game, but there were key moments where that tension was relieved through humour.

I recently played the MGS HD boxset, and watched MGS4 (all 9 fucking hours) on youtube to prepare for playing MGR, and after finishing MGR I can say without any hesitation that MGR is by far the best in the series for me, because it works as a video game and a story, whereas anything Kojima was heavily involved in

I am slowly starting to see the light at the end of my PS3 backlog tunnel. I'd say I've got about 20 or 30 games left, and then I'll be done with the console and can buy a PS4 (yeah, kinda OCD-ish). The last game I will play on the PS3 will be (one of?) the 1st game released for it: Heavenly Sword. It shall

When I hit my 30s I also made the same decision. I never buy games when they come out, what's the point? They're broken, need patching, and in 6 months to a year they'll have gotten all the DLC and the price will have gone down. For example my Mass Effect trilogy experience was great as I played it well after all 3

On top of that the game release will be followed by hundreds of threads in forums with titles like "Game won't start?" "Game crashes" "sound effects cutting out" "game runs letterboxed" "not accepting my graphic card, WHY????"

Wow, you can't check your trophies offline on PS4? For real? How random. I'm still a PS3 owner, but that is disconcerting, I hate anything that's online-mandatory.

Happy Die Hard day everyone. Yippee-ki-yay.

What I love about Mirror's Edge is that it's basically the last 15 minutes of The Matrix, where a desperate Neo is furiously chased by agents through the city.

Worst QTE of recent memory: end boss 'fight' of Far Cry 3. Marred such a great game.

How is 'I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream' not on this list? C'mon...c'mooooon!

I learned my lesson after Skyrim's PS3 release. Haven't bought a game on day of release ever since and have had nothing to complain about. I wait a year before buying a game, and by then it's gone down in price, is all patched up and has all DLC out for it.

You know what? I almost didnt play 2 because of all the negative feedback, but I'm a completionist at heart, so I went ahead and played it earlier this year. The game isn't that bad! And in fact I prefer it to Origins which I thought was utterly generic. At least the sequel doesn't concern itself with the boring 'save

Looking forward to buying it...

Citadel Destiny: Terminus Effect

They all look like visual kei rejects.

I've been noticing quite a few typos at Kotaku the last couple days. If the site needs a proofreader, I'm always available...