I just recently watched an episode of Louie where Robin shows up. Hard to watch. :(
I just recently watched an episode of Louie where Robin shows up. Hard to watch. :(
I haven't watched any anime since finishing Legend of the Galactic Heroes a couple years ago. Because honestly, what's the point? A show so masterful it made any other anime a trivial nuisance.
Huh, I did let them die*. Guess my memory's going, thanks for the reminder!
I'm still baffled as to why it took 3 games before we saw a single female Turian and Krogan. Don't think we ever saw a female Salarian though. I love the trilogy but it had some confounding flaws that had me scratching my head. (like dropping Liara from the narrative of the 2nd game. Why!?)
I wanted to romance Samara. WHY YOU NO LET ME BIOWARE? Anyway, glad to see cosplayers bringing her to life.
I've been following this all day on this neogaf thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthre…
I don't buy games when they first come out, instead waiting a year for all bugs to be patched, all DLC to be released, and the game to not cost an arm and leg. Same goes for consoles, so I've yet to buy a PS4, but as a Sony fan since PS1, I'll be getting it one day... Until then, my PS3 backlog awaits.
No the word 'timed' is only mentioned after a monumental backlash!
"The next entry in the Halo series will be EXCLUSIVE to PS4 2015."
Essential reading for anyone intrigued by the concept of white dudes in Japan:
Kotaku UK has Disqus. Kotaku US has kinja.
Out of all the varieties of video games in the world, MMORPG is the one genre I have yet to play. Lately I've been checking out Youtube Let's Play videos of WoW and...I was not impressed. By contrast I found Guild Wars 2 to look much more fun and aesthetically pleasing. I guess it's a testament to Blizzard that WoW…
We're criticizing a crafting system for being a time-consuming convoluted affair that belongs in a JRPG, not an action game. I'm not against the idea of an engineer putting together scrap to make a weapon, but like I said, the first game kept upgrading simple and coherent. But while we're talking about Mass Effect, thi…
That's exactly how I play these kind of games, and it's heartening to see similar replies. Yay for us and our weird ways.
Yeah I appreciate that they went with the engineer theme, but you have to admit it was clunky as hell. Way too much scrolling and clicking, going back and forth. It's totally at odds with a narrative that's supposed to be tense and constantly moving forward. The crafting system is a mess aesthetically. Plus all the…
Are there any examples of a game that took so long to come out and was actually good? I'm drawing a blank at the moment...
This is me claiming otherwise.
Slight tangent, but I'm 40 hours into Dragon Age 2 right now, and I have to say that everyone really bashed it too hard and gave me the wrong impression. Or maybe all the criticism lowered my expectations? Either way, it's actually not that bad.
*offers a glowing green hand*