
I personally think it's disgusting this campaign was so successful and I hope the Hugo Awards do more next year to prevent this rigging from happening. People who lose their shit about two women on Korra holding hands or have their boxers in a bunch because women, LGBT and people of color have "invaded" their white,

I don't see any harm in it. Realistically, if a species has the ability to travel interstellar distances, they also have advanced enough tech that conquering another planet would be unnecessary. There are literally billions of empty planets out there plus asteroids in uncountable numbers so a nearly endless supply of

It's worth it if you're a hardcore Yakuza fan, really. I liked it a lot, but that's because spending more time in Kamurocho is always tempting to me. As a zombie-killing game, I heard that it was not that great, but I can't say, since it's not my usual genre of games... unless you throw in Kyriu Kazuma or Majima Goro!

I have that zombie game, and it took me 15 hrs to get through, albeit somewhat slowly.

Not only do I not pre-order, I've just stopped buying these games until the GOTY edition comes out with all the DLC but for only like 39.99. Its sad, but I just cant keep up with all the downloads/passes/etc, that make you end up paying like $75 for the game, when a little patience will knock roughly half the price

+1 for disc based.

but how do you watch yourself doing the sex with someone if you don't have a mirror?

As far as we currently know, the combat in Final Fantasy XV is going to be your basic action RPG format with single button presses for attacks. So how is the magic going to work then? While he wouldn't offer specifics, director Hajime Tabata did reveal some interesting aspects of the combat mechanics in his game.

"We're bringing it back!"

Trying to summarize the "honest rawness" of the situation.

I cannot even believe people are talking crap about this right now. Will anything make you insatiable pigs happy?

also we're not pretentious assholes. That's another difference

Nope, not even for a minute. Because its not a fallacy, sorry bro.

Am I the only one that enjoyed AC3?

Wait, the main character isn't a girl?

I've been saying this for a while now.

I grew up in a time when being a "gamer" was cause for ridicule. Shit, admitting to owning a Nintendo in the mid-80's was a good way to get your ass kicked at my school (not at all schools, I understand).

Now that gaming's finally mainstreamed, and the hobby has -finally- gained

It's comforting to know that, when faced with real and imminent danger, there will be people like yourself that have desensitized themselves to their natural instincts and will hesitate when they should be running. Thus slowing down whatever it is that threatens us allowing everyone else a chance to escape.

One of my darling ferrets is made of the devil. Bowie figured out how to sneak out of the bedroom (took me the longest time to figure out how she was defeating the Plexiglas forcefield) when I was sleeping. Whenever she did, she would always beeline for the computer in my office and walk around on the keyboard. She