
I am not sure Kojima is the right guy to develop Silent Hill. He is not exactly known for subtlety, somber tone or deep stories with mature elements that you have to dig for and think over, to to fully appreciate the games. Whatever he has written during his career has been just convoluted and nonsensical.His games

I think it'd be great to keep Hardline about militrized police, but take a critical look at it as well. *cough* Spec Ops: The Line *cough*

Great win for Microsoft; great loss for gamers.

Totally agree 100% with you on all fronts. (seriously, the N7 hoodie I have is nice but a leather jacket would be top). I was there when all 3 games were released. Got all the DLC immediately and was at ground zero with the ending. While I was disappointing like many others I still found myself defending the game.

Uh, As for Uncharted, the latest draft of the screenplay is being written by David Guggenheim, and the film will be an Arad/Atlas Entertainment production, produced by Charles Roven, Arad, Alex Gartner and Ari Arad. The video game series was developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment

Thank you for your attention to this, and your dedication. So many people are "tired of it", either because it's just not relevant to them—or maybe some rare few, because they're guilty of contributing to the problem. I do believe that change can happen for the better, and with people like you, sites like this,

The low score is exactly what keeps it exciting. Look at US vs Belgium yesterday. The last 30 minutes of that game were absolutely mind blowing. Why? Because even at 120 minutes of game time, all it takes is one. single. goal. to completely even out the score. Any ball possession, any push down the field, or any

What's worse, believing that vaccinations make your kids autistic, or not reading articles before you jump to write angry comments about them?

I'm currently doing my first playthrough of Dark Souls, and it honestly feels like the difficulty is overrated. The challenge comes largely from the fact that the game doesn't give you any meaningful information on how to play the game. The menu doesn't even show you the control setup.

I'll wait till they fix the lag issues

Ubisoft's approximate response.

Yeah, there's combat, for instance. I have another big piece about this game going up tomorrow morning. It'll explain a lot more about what the actual game is/what you do in it. Stay tuned!

So in other what you should have been doing all along? What a novel f*cking concept!

Ludicrous, not Ludacris. Unless you specifically want to pay in mid-2000s rappers.

I shouldn't be, but I'm incredibly surprised and equally disgusted by the comments in the articles about this controversy. It makes my skin crawl to be associated with many of the users commenting on posts like this. "This isn't even a real issue! Girls already have Tomb Raider, what else do they want?! Choices?!?!

Well, soon the dog and the burglars can settle their differences over a game of Evolve, all thanks to Aaron Poul.