Another save the world plot. *yawn*
This is what I get for eating a Jaffa Cake and typing at the same time.
I read the headline and new China was involved in the story in some way.
Oh now you've gone and done it. I see CKII is indeed available for Mac on Steam...am I gonna lose my life to this game?
I really want to get into these kinds of games, but they're rare on PS3. I want to try Civ V but the reviews for Mac are horrendous. I tossed any device Windows related away ages ago and haven't looked back....
It's a great feeling not just because you get to cause mayhem listening to your favourite songs, but it's good to know they're getting exposure to gamers who might not have otherwise found them.
The radio soundtrack to Sleeping Dogs is still better than GTA. It's like they looked over my last.fm and plucked songs from my library.
Obsessive Compulsive Update Disorder. Seriously.
See my post above also using PS3 & linux as an example. It just proves my point that Microsoft could change their policies at a later date...
For people adamant Microsoft wouldn't change policies after selling the console, surely there's already precedent for that kind of behaviour? Look at how PS3 removed Linux support with an update later down the line.
For the ardent fans pleased with every reversal, I ask you the following question: What makes you think Microsoft won't change their minds and revert their policies after you've bought their console?
I've started writing for a site last week. The pay is peanuts (clicks per article via advertisers) but oh well, it's a start.
I already have a theory for this kind of behaviour: Obsessive Compulsive Update Disorder:
I wrote a uni dissertation on Akira if anyone wants to read it. I figured it would be a shame if those thousands of words gathered dust so they're online for Akira fans. :)
Islam goes haywire when hijacked by self-professed leaders, imams, Saudi Arabia and their lucrative black cube (which ironically must surely count as idolatry?), and supplementary books called 'hadith', all of which are contrary to messages from the main book Islam sprouted from. If people just follow the book and use…
The last boss fight of Far Cry 3 was one of the worst I've experienced. Please no repeat of that.
Elder Scrolls have the most generic and lazy storylines ever. I wish The Witcher franchise would move to PS, it looks pretty 'personal' in contrast to the usual 'save the world' nonsense. (no I'm not spending money I don't have on an uber PC)
Loved the first one, shame I won't be playing this one. I'm not in the owning more than one console business, I'm not made of gold coins!
PS3 user here, never owned an Xbox. I almost always play offline, except when I'm playing the multiplayer portion of a game. A game like Demon Souls is the rare exception when I'm logged in, but otherwise I'd like to give my 2 cents and say: offline player here, we do exist!