
I had already had 2 kids and they STILL wouldn’t take mine out, because I was “too young” or “might get divorced” and had I discussed this with my husband? (And this was in the 90s. The 1990s, not the 1890s.)  

I dunno, if the reference to THE AMERICAN WAY didn’t sell it, I’m not sure what would. Have a bonus star!

I’ve told the story on The Root about the mom who was picking pain meds up from the pharmacy 3 days after having a C-section. (I think it was 3 days. She still had gauze on her incision.)

It all comes down to societal purpose. See, if you haven’t had children yet, you haven’t fulfilled your sole and obvious purpose to bear life. So you can’t be allowed to make decisions about your all important uterus. But once you’ve given birth, you’ve done the only thing that actually matters, so it doesn’t really

Doesn’t quite work for low-income deliveries, strict insurance deliveries, high-risk deliveries, older patient deliveries, multiple deliveries, surgical deliveries, emergency deliveries, etc. Easy to say FUCK THE SYSTEM, but the majority of Americans are required to utilize it.

I had an undiagnosed placenta accreta with my second child, discovered by my midwife while I was attempting to deliver the placenta (which was coming out in pieces). I was bleeding so profusely that she had to keep her hand inside my vagina to stem the flow while I was rushed to surgery. I barely made it through


To me, it’s more than semantics. To me, these words have meaning. There is a reason why I call myself pro-choice and not “pro-abortion”. I don’t take abortion lightly. It is a medical procedure, and every medical procedure comes with a certain, even if only slight, risk. Abortion, like any medical procedure, also has

Honestly, whether they are anti-abortion or anti-choice is all semantics anyway. Both are bad.

They are not anti-abortion: they are anti-choice. And that is the freaking problem.

Let’s see: “faith-based organisations”, “natural family planning”, “sexual risk aversion”. What do all these have in common? These word conglomerates offer abso-fucking-lutely nothing in terms of medical treatment. Reproductive health is a health issue. Health issues need a medical approach. You cannot pray cervical

I am done. I am so fucking done. I hate this. Every other day there’s some new legislation that makes it tougher for low income people. It’s almost like it would kill these idiots in charge to have a tiny bit of compassion. But no. Let’s kill people by taking away their healthcare. Let’s starve people by making food

Yep. The number of anti-abortion ideologues who actually, genuinely believe that abortion is murder is likely very low.

Not to mention the ~50% of fertilized eggs that don’t implant.

If these people really thought that abortion was murder you’d think they be doing something more drastic than chipping away at access and funding.

This is one of our most critical jobs as activists and voters for this year, and the years to come. We have to weed out Democratic candidates who aren’t willing to fight for reproductive rights, and turf out disappointing incumbents over time.

Some pro-lifers tried going the violent route in the ‘80s and ‘90s but it backfired, putting the movement in a bad light. They learned from this. While there is still is some violence, and a whole lotta harassment outside certain clinics in certain areas, they’ve decided to fight this battle in the legislature and the

That’s what it’s ALL about. Naughty nasty girls just thinking they have rights and bodily autonomy.

It’s so fucking disingenuous too. If these people really thought that abortion was murder you’d think they be doing something more drastic than chipping away at access and funding. They just want to enforce their theocratic bullshit on the rest of us and punish women for having sex.

These assholes. I have nothing intelligent to add. I’m just so disgusted with these people, especially the women, constantly pulling this shit.