
Well, that took a turn...for the best 😈👏🏼👏🏼.

I want more Hopper 😍☺️😇!

Wow. That thing is rather weird looking. Haven’t played in a long time; never got to see it. Stranger Things brought up my longing to play D&D again ☹️. Also, Magic the Gathering. And Ravenloft. And WhiteWolf. Even LARPing. *sigh*

Or Venus Flytrap Face

Good for you Alabama! Finally. Now, what about other states? I checked the ThinkProgress link, but it didn’t have info on other states. This needs to be done in every state.

Yes. Yes. Yes! Verbal abuse is abuse. Emotional abuse is abuse. As a white woman, I cannot imagine the amount of abuse heaped upon PoC. I do understand abuse. I grew up in an abusive environment. It either takes you down or builds fury in your bones. Words matter. Words can be weaponized & used to break you. Words can

There is. It’s called Truth Is Stranger Than Florida. It’s on ID Discovery. 😊

I know this is off topic, but I have to say thank you. Thank you thank you THANK YOU. I had never heard of CPTSD before your comment. I looked it up & I seriously am about to cry because holy crap this is me. I grew up in & out of hospitals due to a congenital birth defect & subsequent medical conditions, plus had to

For everyone who voted for Trump: Ignorance will not be bliss for very long.

Hey now, my husband and I watched that show and we are liberal Democrats and shall be voting for my girl Hillary.

A side note: that's what my grandmother called me when I told her I didn't like relish in deviled eggs. 😁

I’m guessing from your name that you got your hair dyed blonde? My hair is naturally what I call “rat light brown” but I decided I wanted to attempt a super light ice ash blonde...yeah, not my best move. When bleached, it turns sunflower yellow. Like neon lol. It’s a fight to get the gold out, and gold is not my

First off, Clinton was not the first SOS to use her own private email server.

This might help people understand where Duncan Jones was coming from with making this movie:

Always? Here, have an interesting read:

Lol. I'm a Hillary supporter...but you're not wrong 😳

I am astounded by the complete lack of empathy so many of the commenters here are displaying. I just want to scream “ITS NOT JUST ABOUT YOU!” I'm just SMH in frustration and feeling this dread in the bottom of my stomach. They're completely and blindly missing the forest for the tree. This is about way more then just

I’m fucking poor you smug asshole. And I’m a Hillary supporter. Read my above reply to you.

What the fuck are you on about? Those are the words and mindset of a selfish and thoughtless child. Do you have any idea how many peoples literal lives are at stake here? All over the country women’s reproductive rights are being hacked away at at an alarming rate. Those idiotic bathroom laws will become commonplace.

Huh, wasn't it Trump that said he'd go after not just ISIS but also their families?