
Fellow white male chiming in....

Well-said, and thank you!

“White men— “we’ve got to listen to them and understand their rage, they’re feeling attacked and left out, it’s a natural reaction, so they can burn down and upset anyone they want”, followed by 50 long-form Cletus Safari thinkpieces.”

Just piggybacking on the “Laura Ingraham is awful” bus, because yesterday was the first I’d heard of it. While she was in Dartmouth, she sent a reporter to a campus gay students association meeting, then outed the students in the paper, and sent the tape recordings to their parents, while calling them “cheerleaders

For real. I was always in favor of a more accessible healthcare system in America, but it was mostly in the abstract until I had a stroke when I was 30. I had good insurance at the time (no longer so good though my job hasn’t changed), but it cost me a bunch of money and Cigna paid almost a quarter of a million

Jesus Goathumping Christ, is Stelter really already going for the “on both sides” bullshit? Has he swallowed THAT much rightwing semen that he’s already leaping to equate traumatized highschool students with NRA and Ingraham and Jones and other frothing gunsuckers? I’ll retire to bedlam.

The irony is striking, one guy has the power and is literally the president, while admiring dictators and fascists... the other is a teenage boy whose voice literally stopped cracking a year ago.

Wow. Aren’t conservatives the same folks who flip the fuck out anytime you suggest Trump is acting like a Fascist or Nazi?

We’re all Schroedinger’s liberal: simultaneously a precious snowflake and a violent antifa thug.

But remember that liberals are the precious snowflakes.

I used to think that absolutely no one needed an AR-15 or similar assault weapon for self defense/protection. But seeing how frightened so many people are of this teenager, maybe I was wrong. The world is a very scary place to them, apparently.

Absolutely. I don’t think Holmes should have been allowed to stock that kind of arsenal, “mentally ill” or not.

Best case scenario, these Parkland kids continue to highlight the completely unnecessary sale of not just an assault rifle to mass shooters, but bootstraps into a greater change on the sale of guns in general and the lack of oversight.

Because your preferred privacy policy would dictate that we have no mechanism by which we could discern who could be responsible with a gun and who absolutely should not be in the same zip code as one.

Well true, but it’s one of my sore spots. Which is why I told that rambling story about my parents.

I was going to post a response to theyre line about how much of a victim Hogg really is, because that’s a fucking joke.

Men don’t even think that access to contraception benefits them. Like, dude, if you have sex with women and you don’t have a ton of kids you don’t want running all over the place, you’ve benefited. Easy access to affordable contraception, whether it be a condom, an IUD, or the pill, is a win for our entire society.

I think a lot of men (and not-so-liberal women) have a hard time distinguishing between the choice in their own relationship(s) and the societal choice. Personally, my SO and I are both against having an abortion in our relationship (at this moment at least, this could change if our situation changes), but are very

A sense of entitlement.
