
If it does turn out to be called "Infinity", one can only assume that it is to be the final Xbox. That could mean that it's intended to somehow be a evolving console, much like owning a "PC" isn't a canned and finite affair, but that seems really weird for a console. I can't see a company deciding prior to releasing

I thought Yuna always looked and seemed kinda creepy, or awkward at least. Charming, but weird.

You wouldn't, but this is a pre-rendered cinematic. It's wholly possible it's just a nod to classic MH games, and isn't actually in the game. I'd be surprised if they did that, but it could happen.

As long as they take the MMO back out of it, I'm with you.

Crytek released a statement later that apologized for the confusion and stated that the game is only announced for Chinese release. The question remains whether their blunder of words was because they knew something we don't, or if it was genuinely untrue.

Hmm, obligatory Kirin female armor shot. I wonder if Kirin's actually back.

Being perfectly honest, I was one of the guys who lambasted how much Nintendo was riding on the 3D capabilities of the 3DS early in its life cycle. I knew it was going to be a gimmick and play itself out quickly. Or so I thought. I recently got an XL of my own, and I was amazed how much I actually like the 3D

This may sound like a goofy idea to some, but if I'm not mistaken, the 3DS can also take 3D pictures and display a feed of what you're pointing its cameras at on the screen using one of its default apps. George, have you tried this out? Not that you'd be wanting to walk everywhere with the device in front of you,

This article was as far through the playlist as I could make it. I was so close.

Yeah. That episode was a fantastic example of the weight that the first arc's permadeath aspect added to the show. A scene like that in the 2nd arc simply wouldn't have been nearly as powerful.

If true, yikes! That'd be a HELL of a bold move.


I was ready for it to be done when it ended. I really, really enjoyed the first story arc, but the second one was vastly sub-par if you ask me. I felt the first arc did a great job of exploring the relationships and interactions of players in an online environment, and the element of permadeth (in game and out) gave

Played this the other night after not having played GW2 in a few months. I couldn't pull myself away. I had no idea what I was getting into when some friends told me to get on, and had an absolute blast going through it.

The charging cable drawer is neat, and the design overall is cool, though I can't say I've ever had a $100 need to open multiple drawers at once, let alone a $6000 one.

Whenever I need to type the word ratio, my fingers automatically type "ration." In fact, even though this comment was specifically about this typo, it still happened when I typed "ratio" in the first sentence :]

I can't decide if YetiZen is brilliant or stupid for doing this two years in a row.

Isn't the whole point of a vacation to do whatever the hell you want to do to relax or get a change of pace? People should be considerate of others they are on the vacation with, but on a personal level, if someone wants to Twitter it up from Europe that's their own prerogative.

It's just the last DLC song that will be released.

If it has the glass back, any drop is a damage worthy drop, unfortunately. This felt absolutely staged though, so they probably didn't care.