
Okay then.

They did this to a number of street lights here around the St Paul, MN area 2-3 years ago. What they didn't think about was the fact that the heat put out by the classic bulbs was what kept snow from building up on the shields above each of the 3 lights. There were a bunch of street lights where you couldn't see the

Dinosaur Planet.

If you need to put your thumb on the Home button for the scanner, why wouldn't you just click the Home button to bring it out of sleep as well, or can you no longer do that? While it's obviously going to be a personal preference thing, I don't think I've ever used the power button up top to power up the phone. It

I have a feeling they're a bit beyond the point of that being feasible. They've likely told every developer working on games for the system that they can assume consumers will own a Kinect, and that it can be integrated into any game as a requirement for play as a result.

True, and how gloriously ironic that they're the ones suggesting that others "grow up," no? ;]

Avatar was a show marketed towards children on Nickelodeon, and it's a fantastic, well written show. Not to mention something like the Harry Potter books, which, while perhaps not written with the specific intent of being for children, were certainly published and marketed as such.

Depending on the size of the event, and especially with how popular the streaming of events has become, if people are paying for a premium subscription to a larger event and the top players lame it out in the grand finals, they're impacting a lot more people than they probably think. It makes the event organizers

Most games only last a huge length of time due to all the wacky house rules and ignorance of the actual rules of Monopoly. Not to say people can't play how they want, but it shouldn't be that long of a game in the first place if played by the rules.

Common use does not mean the colloquial name for something is the official name. The name of the game and series is "The Legend of Zelda." They got it wrong, what's to be outraged about?

The original game in the series is named "The Legend of Zelda."

I feel like we're in this weird sort of transition period at this point. Ultimately I think if a game developer wants to have a specific lead character for their story, male or female, that they should be able to go that route exclusively. At the moment, though, if a designer goes with a specifically gendered

I tend to be far more on the introverted end. Most of my friends, regardless of type, aren't the kind to nag me to constantly go out and do this or that, so I'm typically always up for it when we do decide to get together.

Broadening awareness decreases the chance that people will commit these acts, and also increases the chance that people will stand up when someone does commit one.

You realize the vast majority of people that attend this show are press and media folk who are working, right? While plenty of people who don't belong do end up getting tag-along access, it's not like this is a fan convention.

In my opinion, a hobby should be something you do because you enjoy it. Whether it costs money, retains value, or gains money in the end should be irrelevant in determining it's value as a hobby. This is under the assumption that the hobby is being funded via what disposable income the person may have, since the


Have they confirmed whether or not this is going to be the case with the One yet? I can't imagine them keeping Netflix locked up behind the paywall anymore. (Edit: Sounds like it still is. I suppose they know people wouldn't pay for it if they didn't do that.)

I think the weirdest part for me is the internal dichotomy of the principles the Xbox One strives to embrace. On one hand, they're going full into the realm of appealing to traditional cable TV users, a medium which, while it'll certainly be around for years yet, is rapidly diminishing in popularity as far more

As someone who primarily uses consoles for single player games, as long as they keep locking 3rd party apps behind an annual paywall when they're free on practically every single other platform they're available on, they will never get a sale out of me :/