
He's gone plaid.

I think that's absolutely a big part of it, and rightfully so on a personal rankings list. If we were trying to come to unified agreement on the ranking of the titles in the series, we'd need a lot more standardized of an approach.

While I can only rank the ones I've played, my rankings amongst those is rather easy to come to conclusion on:

With FFXIII, I actually found that the best part of the song often hit at the climax of each battle. It's at that point that your building through the first portion of the battle is paying off, you're in burst mode (or whatever the hell it was called), and you're raining down the hurt on your enemy. The music

Some friends of mine kinda had this idea...but theirs was to drop the trash to the ground and then go down and pick it up to put it in the receptacle. Let's just say that didn't go over as well as this may.

That's a really good idea, haha. I always take the less obvious path, which in this case is of course the right path, since they expect you to take the obvious path. You'd think I'd have learned and started going down the obvious one, but nope. I'll have to turn it on when I go in there now :]

Same here! When it was on, even if I wasn't intentionally looking at it, it was still unwanted information just begging for your attention. It didn't last long before it got the axe.

The hand-holding continues throughout the game (or at least, I'm a decent ways in and it's shown no sign of fading so far). It's something I wish they would have dialed back a good bit, but I realize the broad audience this game is marketing to, so oh well. Basically, most any time a puzzle or situation is

I'd definitely look for an alternative. I have to imagine that a plastic bag doesn't really let your feet breathe at all, which probably isn't a good idea anytime, let alone when playing highly active sports. Prime environment for not-so-great stuff to be going on!

Not that I had any doubts, but glad we have confirmation of Ys: Memories of Celceta! I'll take I & II Chronicles as well :P

They would absolutely love that. That's why you don't need their hardware to use Steam and/or Steam's newish Big Picture mode.

Ah yeah, I thought I had remembered them there. I'll have to ship my way back there next time I'm playing. Thanks for the heads up!

I know what you mean. Luckily, in the hour+ I ground yesterday trying for one of those cog guys, I made ~12k, so I feel like I have a BIT of a padding for now at least...

I tried for so long to capture a skeleton familiar in the desert....I eventually left empty handed. Now I'm near Hamelin and trying to capture one of the cog-like familiars. The other two you need for the quest are easy to find, but I'm having trouble even getting many of the cog ones in battle, let alone capturing

Consider a movie or book that requires you to perform timed math, logic, or dexterity challenges to advance to the next scene or chapter. Some video games, at heart, are there to tell a story. I don't see a problem with allowing those who just want to enjoy the story to do just that. Not that companies should feel

Any person can draw inspiration, courage, depression, whatever feeling, from any source if it clicks right in their brain. That same game could have inspired someone to serve their country in the military, or given someone the courage to stand up and give their life against a deranged gunman attacking an elementary

Ya blew it.

Eh, everyone's different ;D

Interchange "shower" with "driving", or "laying in bed", etc :]

As introverted as I am in most regards, the way I always see it is that you never know who you'll meet; could even make a new friend. In retrospect, if you avoided meeting new people as much as possible, most people could probably scratch a number of their friends out of their life. I guess some people are fine with