For what it's worth, the full article does indicate that he's using an old iPhone, but it wasn't mentioned in the LH article. That is a pretty big component to breeze by, though, haha.
For what it's worth, the full article does indicate that he's using an old iPhone, but it wasn't mentioned in the LH article. That is a pretty big component to breeze by, though, haha.
Ah, yeah that'd make way more sense. Good call!
Maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't you need to still have a data plan running on the old iPhone? That seems like a hefty monthly charge just to have SMS remote start. I suppose if you have WIFI at a given location you're covered, and other locations you'd just not use it?
That, and Target also price matches Amazon now (or will be very soon...can't remember if that was effective immediately). Increased selection + low price guarantees = way to go, Target.
Jesus, you're playing the wrong board games. Get with the times!
Hooray for adventure pinball games. Always loved the concept!
It's a Sony app developed for their own device, it almost certainly runs in the background while your device is in a sleep state.
Came here to say the same ;]
Ah, I missed that image. Thank you :)
I use cash pretty much exclusively for tips nowadays. I pay my CC in full each month, so it's not like I'm racking up debt, it's just a much quicker and easier to carry solution to paying for things at a checkout counter.
You probably saw it at 24fps. I saw it in IMAX 3D as well and I don't believe mine was the higher framerate.
Why censor a scammer's address/contact info? That isn't the author's actual contact info.
Thousands of man-hours? Try millions.
Haha, the MK Naruto is awesome.
Leaving your device plugged in when it's at a full charge can be really unhealthy for the battery. It's also healthy for a battery to be draining its charge regularly between chargings. It's convenient, but your battery's life is likely to be way shorter.
While I'm not adverse to using an Android phone, I also like the iPhone just fine. The main thing keeping me with my iPhone is the number of apps I've purchased over the years. I can also use all of those apps with my iPad (it was given as a gift, I can't really complain ;P) as well, so switching would mean choices…
You've never needed to find the best route from wherever you are to another, more familiar location?
Console exclusives aside, I've been thinking the exact same thing. Trying out Big Picture mode on Steam has pushed me further in that direction.
Saw this yesterday in the theaters. The movie's look good so far :]
Now imagine how horrifying it'd be playing with a bunch of clawed cats in zero-g :]