
Very, very glad they brought this promotion over from Japan. I was a little worried it might not come, but, come on, it's Atlus!

I don't think any of this is actually built yet. I want to say it's all rendered and purely conceptual at this point.

For what it's worth, remember the catastrophic launch of the original version that this new team is trying to make up for. They're going to be damn sure this thing is where they want it before it comes out.

Not that the first area of Xenoblade was linear, but when I first walked into Guar Plains (3rd area, on the Bionis' Leg) you could probably hear the game digging its hooks into me. There's a reason the theme music for that area is my favorite, despite the fact that I think it's a great song. That was the first zone

I'm debating if I want to play my copy on my Wii or rip it and play it via Dolphin. A buddy of mine who's been playing it via Dolphin warned me that he's been having intermittent freezes and crashes, which have been kind of frustrating. After hearing that I was figuring I might as well go with the Wii. With how

This doesn't apply as much for this game since it's not like these achievements are tied to a grand total like 360/PS3 achievements, but for games in general, the tricky part is coming up with creative achievements that aren't tied to specific, time sensitive events. Completing an event in a challenging way can make

The Deadmous5 album were the only stages I felt really pushed the platforming challenge. The last couple stages in there especially. Other than that it was definitely pretty easy. I think part of the difficulty is that there are two large aspects to creating a stage. Not only do you need to build a quality

The whole time playing through the campaign I was assuming Death Mode was going to be completing each stage without dying. I was dreading playing through the later Deadmou5 stages in that fashion. To my surprise, that wasn't it at all. I beat the first 4, some taking many more attempts than others. I'm scared to

Those were some fantastic stages!

The Vita version of P4. Persona 4: Golden. (I believe it was The Golden in Japan).

It's definitely possible to achieve a voice similar to that without computer aid, but there were nuances here that just made it feel unnatural to me in the same way digitally altered voice sounds. I don't really know how best to describe it beyond that, though :(

Yeah, it's definitely an older person, I would have to assume with a voice mod of some kind. The voice just sounds unnatural a lot of the time. Some of the things she said, as well as how non-nonchalantly she rattled them off, were not the words of a child.

I can only imagine how nerve-wracking this must be for the NASA scientists involved. All that money and transit time all comes down to this. Losing it all at such a critical moment would be so disheartening :( On the other hand, ANY success or failure can provide tremendous insight into where to go from there, but

Out of those suggestions, my picks:

This just seems like the kind of game you boot up at the start of a flight, train, or car ride and all of the sudden realize you're arriving. Or, just....hours on the couch :]

Not that it works for you, but I've really been enjoying Gravity Rush on mine. It has its flaws, but it's a lot of fun to play, and in my opinion it's the best unique Vita game on the market at the moment. I think Sound Shapes will be right up there with it, albeit a completely different style of game. It seems

Can't wait! These are the kind of unique titles that the Vita really needs. Now they just need more of them!

Oh wow, you can buy gems with in-game currency too? I didn't know that. I'm guessing it's far more cost-effective to buy them with real cash, but it'd be nice to have the option.

The game is quite different. A lot of the similarities come in the lore, aesthetics, character professions, races, etc, and less in how the game actually plays, though there's obviously some similarities there as well. I would say it's definitely worth a shot. The game does a TON of very unique things in how it

As far as I can recall, it's basically 4 zones in a triangle (one "base" zone for each server in the corners, and an open zone in the middle). The zones are filled with various holds and keeps, which can be captured and controlled by any of the 3 sides (I believe guilds can claim them as well, not sure what that does