
"Advertising paid for rent, wages, health insurance, utilities, all the normal stuff that you pay for when you have fourteen souls working together."

Can't wait for Sound Shapes!

I never cared for it, though everyone I know always raved about it. I just figured to each their own and left it at that.

Now if only the manga would come back out of hiatus...

I enjoyed it, but I know if I play it again I'd skip them all. That's actually one of the things I really like about MGS games...when you replay them to get tags, etc, you can get through them in a few hours or less when you cut out all the cutscenes.

It's both a blessing and a curse that games let you pause cinematics nowadays. On the plus side, if something urgent comes up during a long cutscene, you can simply pause it and return later. On the downside......the fact that we have cutscenes long enough that we have to worry about a pause function says that

Hopefully, for their sake, they avoid the 45-60 minute long segments that littered MGS4. That just got ridiculous.

I'm not so sure sand + chocolate is a good idea, but I'm willing to let the kids try it out to see for sure.

I think they're just describing it's function in a poor way, since very few would find interest in using it in that fashion. Realistically, it'd be a system where you just check in like you normally would using an app like FourSquare, and you'd get a side-benefit of bonuses for your in-game character. That's kind of

The reveal was so unsatisfying :c The rest had a great feel to it though.

Since when can Lego vegetation not flourish anywhere you dream it can?

I know I, for one, don't expect any additional content to be released for free, being a game I've already paid for in full, aside from the arenas they've already promised. I'd love to see free end-game content, and hope that they do it, but I can't expect it given I'm not paying them more money.

Still eagerly awaiting news on a Vita MH game :/ The decision to release MH games on Nintendo devices doesn't surprise me after Tri on the Wii, but the fact that we have yet to hear any word of the series coming to the Vita, the portable device PSP MH players dreamed of for years, is kind of sad :(

That'd be nice for those who haven't gotten one and are interested in doing so. The current slim already brought with it some nice bonuses, such as decreased power consumption, less heat generation, less noise, and some additional HD audio capabilities. Some similar, increased benefits with a super slim would be

It doesn't, but that's because it's the HD version of the PSP game, which itself doesn't have trophies.

Sounds good, I'm planning to stick with it this time, thanks!

Good deal! I looked last night and had 7 eps watched, but it had been long enough that I decided to just start from the beginning again :]

Had to skip most of the article due to not having seen Korra yet, but you've reminded me that I should really continue watching Avatar on Netflix. I only got a few episodes in and hadn't found myself particularly entranced. I have a feeling if I continue that will happen.

Yeah, I do that with pretty much everything, the only exception being Minis on occasion, but primarily the ones that I can tell I will absolutely never be interested in. Still there's no hurt in doing everything but the download to "lock" it to your account, as you said :D

The game looks pretty fun! I may have to pick it up and give it a whirl!