
You're that guy! Don't be that guy!

Hooray! Amazon sent me my Gravity Rush pre-order bonus code this morning. I realized yesterday after playing some Gravity Rush that I'd never received a DLC code, and from the sound of it, they hadn't sent them out to anyone. Glad to see they got that straightened out.

I love Sony for keeping the PS3/Vita open, I just wish it wasn't so cumbersome for the Vita to use foreign digital content. Since you can only access one region per PSN account, if you want to download stuff from other regions, you need a second account. can only have content from one account on a single

Sounds good, I may do that tomorrow myself.

Yeah, Ad-hoc party is fantastic for what it does, but it'll be nice to just have straight-up wifi multiplayer instead :D

Hmm not sure. That may be.

I laughed when I logged in to my lvl 48 wizard and the recommended items on the RMAH were a bunch of vendor-trash worthy rare rings up for prices ranging from $3.99 to a paltry $14.99. The $14.99 ring was literally 30vit, 30int, and 3 additional, equally lack-luster, affixes. That's a ring you wouldn't dream of

And thankfully, now that we don't have to rely on ad-hoc and ad-hoc party for multiplayer with the Vita, they can actually bring the games to the west too!

I chuckled at that as well. It's actually a quote from someone else and just happens to be the one they used to headline their article, but yeah...

As far as I know, this is just for Gravity Rush. I have no clue if they will do this for future titles. I agree it's good that they're doing it, I just wish they would have announced it earlier so I could have canceled my preorder to get a digital copy instead. Oh well :X

Just FYI, in case you haven't seen it already, the other two aren't out today. Spy pack is out on the 26th, and the Maid pack is out July 10th.

I'm kind of bummed they waited until RELEASE DAY to announce that the Military Pack is free to first-week purchasers of the digital version. I would have preferred to get the digital version, but bought physical strictly for the pre-order bonus. Good to know they WILL do this sort of thing going forward, but it

Ah yeah, forgot it was higher initially. For some reason I was thinking it was $30 from the get-go like some of the other collections.

Yeah, I like that they're not JUST the costumes, since a lot of games will gladly charge you $3.99 for just that. Depending on how into the game I get, I'll be interested in picking them up as well.

Same, excited :D

Just pre-order earlier in the future if you can. Amazon has release day shipping on most games for $0.99 regardless of whether you have Prime or not. Gravity Rush didn't originally have this option, but they added it a week or two ago.

I was disappointed when I saw that the Vita version of the MGS HD Collection doesn't include Peace Walker (that, and I think it's priced higher than the PS3 version which DOES include Peace Walker). While I'd love to play 2 and 3 again in HD, I've never played Peace Walker and would like to. The fact that it's

I think they're $3.99 and each contains a costume, as well as some missions/challenges.

Keep in mind that you can usually use the search feature to find the update items prior to them actually being listed in the store-front. I would try searching for them around 5PM EST if you don't see them in the store by then. Of course, you can try earlier as well if you'd like :)

Actually, the on screen prompts were ok for me, for the most part (there were a couple times where I swear I did the prompt correctly in time and it wouldn't register). The stuff that frustrated me was more just wonky character movement in general.