
I like my Direwolf Winter Lager shirt :P

It depends. In a basic sense, I don't find anything wrong with downloading or creating a backup copy of a game you've legitimately paid for, assuming that's what the copy's actually used for. The way most people would go about getting such a copy would be bittorrent, I'd have to imagine. By seeding while

Probably because Prime is one of the best things ever :P

Ehh, I don't really think of what he's done with himself since the dawn of Minecraft to be selling out, even if he may have said so himself. Even if they're "cashing in" on stuff like Minecraft Legos, that's something most people have said is an awesome thing that should be done. They haven't really compromised the

This reminds me that I still haven't taken the time to finish Graces. I should probably do that...

I did the same when I first got my PS3...was playing on a 27" SDTV. I got such bad eye strain headaches from trying to discern details on the screen that I couldn't play it for more than an hour or two at a time. I upgraded to a PC monitor from there until I got an HDTV. I feel bad for anyone that has to make do

I was going that route...and then caved and picked up Tera last Saturday so I'd have something I'd be antsy to play while at work to keep my mind off D3 as much as possible until next Tuesday. That plan has been partially successful.

"Okay, so there's no way I can buy this without looking like a complete pervert."

Never gets old.

Yeah, I know where you're coming from.

7 inch or longer fangs or not interested. Rawr.

Wasn't it Diablo 2 that only let you have 2 skills active at a given time, leaving you with 2 buttons to press for skills?

Random aside, but it still makes me chuckle when I reinstall Diablo 2 and see the "SIGN UP FOR THE INTERNET" option on the LoD installer.

They need an archer because Hawkeye is a badass. That's about it.

If you think of it like making payments on any large purchase, I'm sure people that plan to get a Live sub anyway but don't have that much money up front will gladly pay the $40 "interest" over 2 years to have a low cost of entry.

I don't really see why not. If someone performs at a high level in their craft or profession, whatever that may be, I think they deserve praise and/or acknowledgement.

This was done by the Western group localizing the game, not the Japanese developer. They'll admit that it was a failure, but they've also said it was somewhat of an experiment to see if it'd work, since the game is coming out either way in digital form.

Kinda how businesses work, unless I missed something.

Yeah, this'll likely be the place to go for the rare and high-end items. All the lowbie and more common fodder will filter down to the gold AH for the most part.

*shrug* It sucks when you know the size of the cuts, but you're still potentially making money off of loot you don't need that you happened to gather while playing a game you enjoy. Getting $7 off a $10 item sale is still a hell of a lot more real money than the $0 you'd get if this service didn't exist :P