
You could. This just means it'll be there again in D3 (though I think they may have stated this awhile ago...I can't remember).

I haven't seen it in Skyrim yet, unfortunately. I probably just haven't played enough or traveled enough of the world to get lucky.

Awesome shot! Seeing the Aurora Borealis is on my bucket list, though it stinks because it's not just something you can set out to see. It's more about just being in a place where it happens, and then getting lucky. I visit such place a few weekends a year, so here's hoping I get lucky :P

Never cared for him much myself, but wish him the best.

Perhaps they're considering the Orcs and Horde in general would drive a harder bargain to sell out for coin?

Yep, I forgot about doing that! I may have to do so with this one.

Yeah. That's one of the things that was fantastic about Portal 2 on PS3, and will be on CS:GO for PS3 as well, since if you get the PS3 copy Valve considers it registered with your Steam account and you can download it on your PC at will. Since Portal 2 can't be bought in a purely digital format on the PS3, that

I do. May have been a PS+ only thing, can't recall :(

Ah, Journey! That was the other one I was thinking of other than ME3. I did the same and got the theme.

Ehhhhh, I highly enjoy the freedom of having my Vita loaded with digital content and not having to deal with the tiny cartridges. At the moment I have 4-5 Vita games and around 10 PSP games loaded on my Vita.

It's the same as pre-ordering on Steam, it let you download the game ahead of time and play as soon as it was unlocked. The games they did it for were Mass Effect 3...and something else I can't recall, so those were hefty downloads and they made sense. Vita games are usually 1-2 gigs, so that wouldn't be the

Since they've done preorders on PSN for a couple games now, I hope they start letting you preorder games through there on a regular basis, and allow you to get these deals through there as well. I have no plans to buy game cartridges for my Vita at this point unless it's an import game. It stinks that if I want to

It's kind of funny. There are plenty of people who will pay way more per month than your average subscription cost in free to play games. I'm always curious to know if those big spenders end up balancing out the people who never pay a dime. I know there's more to it than that, since strictly-free players still help

It's kind of a honker, but it's actually surprisingly light and holds great in your hands. I think the tiny X/O/Sqr/Tri buttons could stand to be a bit larger, but *shrug*.

While the price of the system is still a lot of money, I'd wager it's the hidden cost of the memory cards that puts most people off. They know they're going to be dropping at least another $50-100 on it before it's the full-fledged device they want it to be.

Ah, good to know! I wasn't sure if that was something they'd be able to do or not.

That's really a double-edged sword, if you ask me. Regardless of your intent, with the availability of homebrew you typically open the doors for piracy. With piracy, you get developers who are more than a little wary of putting their money into developing for a platform that can already be a risky prospect.

That's precisely why I like non-subscription MMOs, as long as they're done right.

Yeah, it's a really weird beast. To me, the combat and the graphics are the stars of the game, and the rest is really throwaway. To a lot of people that'll spell a terrible MMO, especially if they don't care for the combat. I could see myself playing and enjoying the game, but the release period is unfortunate.

Since I work on a Mac, I typically use it as a go-to location for any work-related information or functions that I need randomly and in a quick fashion. For example, weather, assorted work-related notes, calculator, the address book finder, system usage info, or even dictionary look-up.