
Time to log in once and snag a Goobbue mount while they're still around.

I feel kind of bad for any game coming out May 15th that isn't Diablo 3. Even if a game is good it can get completely overshadowed on a release day like that.

Back when I was 13-14ish, my friends and I decided to come up with fake/joke rap names. The only one of my friends' names that he thought of was ICE BLOCK. I came up with Chrystolis, though it admittedly wasn't as cheesy of a joke name as his.

And out of that entire list of 21 things, it was the damn yogurt cup that got a good laugh out of me. I wasn't expecting it, and it's like they THIEVED IT OUT OF MY MINNNNDDDDD.

Exactly. I wasn't able to watch the video with sound atm, so maybe they mentioned this, but I would assume the propulsion mechanism is based on magnetism in some form. If that's the case, it'd just require electricity, and probably not insane amounts. I'd also assume that the setup would move the capsule in a

I'd say 3 or 4 for sure. I felt 4 was the better of the two, but 3 is still a fantastic game.

On the rare occasion I stop by McDonald's, I usually get a Double Cheeseburger and a McChicken and call it a day. I've been so close, yet so far away at the same time.

I haven't had any crashes yet, but I've noticed that the longer I play, the more the game starts to have more and more trouble loading smoothly. Once the levels loaded it wasn't an issue, but instead of smoothly zooming forward to another stage, it'd stutter a few times and then hop to a quick loading screen for a

I've been playing mine quite a lot, though the odd bit is I've been playing mostly PSP games. I play more PSP games on my Vita than I ever did on my PSP.

Finally a Kinect interface I can really get behind, at least for the shouts :]

If you were a fan of the first, I'd highly recommend checking out the beta. It's been extremely playable for months now, and has been improving all the time.

They used to function that was in NS2 as well, but it ended up causing way too easy of area denial for aliens with little to no risk to the Lerk. They changed it to the wake of spores to force Lerks to be more mobile instead of hiding forever in vents. The flight mechanics are a lot of fun, since you can hold space

I guess I missed the part where he claimed it was an innovative or unique gameplay concept. All he did was describe a large component of how the game functions to someone who could have only assumed the game was a straight up FPS from what he'd seen.

This game deserves every ounce of support and praise it can get. These guys set out to create a AAA FPS title with an indie team and budget, and I'd say they've done just that. I definitely recommend the game to sci-fi shooter fans, especially those who have played the original. If you're an RTS fan with an interest

Both teams have a "power-grid" type mechanic now. Aliens spread infestation (think Zerg creep) throughout the map that gives hive-sight and regen to aliens, and marines use these power nodes in all the main rooms that the aliens can then destroy to knock out power, and therefore the functionality of the marine

I doubt that game is going to place a huge focus on graphics, but keep in mind these screenshots are very, very early in development. They're just shots he put out on Twitter as he's been working on it, not really meant to be representative of the final product.

Twitter, ever the portal into the ignorance of youth and idiots.

Hooray! 4-5 minutes :P

Can't say I agree with most of your points, but to each his own. *shrug*. I agree the game isn't a revolution, but I don't think it's trying to be. It's a solid RPG in a fantastically imaginative world that keeps you wanting to see what each successive area holds in store.

Anyone with a Wii, any sort of fondness for RPGs, and the money to do so owes it to themselves to pick up a copy of Xenoblade.