
I've been debating on picking up the PSP YS titles recently, since i've never played any of the games in the series, but they always sounded interesting. Then I heard about this one on Steam, and debated it as well.

Director's Cut TRUE ENDING DLC. $10.

"Amazing" is such a strong word.

The important fact is that PS3 controllers connect via Bluetooth, which means you can be a couple rooms away and they'll still work. Not that you'd probably ever need to be a couple rooms away and still controlling it, but you're never going to need to worry about fuzzy connection by putting the controller under a

Ah, neat. So Kid Icarus is free?

I like how even what Sony has to say about it is troll-worthy: "Add a little blue to your PlayStation® 2. The Horizontal Stand raises the PlayStation® 2 system slightly and performs the important function of looking cool."

Which retailers can I go pick this stand up for FREE at?

Ehhh, half the point of AR cards is the ability to move the device around the cards in 3D space. This would maybe help with calibrating the device to the cards? Maybe?

So why all this talk of a free stand? I don't see a free stand, I see a stand you need to pay $40 to get alongside a game. Or maybe the stand is $40 and the game is free, then the game shouldn't get any negative reviews, and the complaints about the stand aren't getting near the attention they deserve. That's how

Well, wouldn't want anyone to get hurt!

I don't know about others, but Scott Pilgrim spoke wonderfully to the gamer in me without insulting me ;]

To be honest the first thing I noticed that stood out was the boot textures on the Windor knights in one of the scenes where there's a bunch of them in Lhant and they show a closeup of them marching away. So yeah...pretty unimportant spot.

*shrug* 99% of the time, they're just pixels either way. From a typical viewer's point of view, porn stars are just as "fake" as a drawn character, or a character in a TV show or movie.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I don't think they do much of any marketing for them. I'm sure that cuts down the localization costs a ton, but it also doesn't help grow the fanbase. They probably feel it wouldn't generate enough additional interest to warrant the costs, which is probably true.

I've been playing a good deal of Tales of Graces f since my copy arrived last week. Gotta say, being a Wii port I was NOT expecting it to look as fantastic as it does. You can see evidence of low res textures in some places, but I've hardly noticed. Everything's pretty melodramatic, though I'd heard that going in.

Seriously? Yikes.

They'll likely be referred to by generation, which I believe is what people did for the iPods as well.

They ditched the suffixes and it's just "iPad" now, though the new one is referred to as the new iPad. I wouldn't be surprised if the next iPhone follows the same path and just reverts to being simply "iPhone". Pretty much all their other product lines have a single name that sticks across generations. The iPad and

On the plus side, they aren't anywhere near as creepy as most of the other faces like this that I've seen, but that's probably because the eyes aren't part of the mask. That doesn't stop it from still being pretty creepy.

"...after another test jump at 90,000 miles..."