
I’m starting to feel this way, too. I just don’t get it. I’m a liberal as they come, the biggest feminist most of my friends and family know... and this is absolutely ridiculous. There is such a huge community on the internet that glorifies being a victim - and if you’re lucky enough to have not been a victim, you

Same with killing Eva on Mars.

Yep, you have to use a gun on Mars, or else there’s no progressing. Also at the very end of the game against the dastardly Marauder Shields. Everywhere else you don’t need to, I’ve been playing an adept through ME3 without using a gun (not intentionally, I just don’t need it).

I’m playing an adept and an engineer through ME3, and the adept is more powerful by far. Insanely powerful. I never have to fire a gun. I only equip one because the game makes me. My engineer is having a much more difficult time.

I have a high school student in football who has already suffered four concussions. And I hate to say it as his teacher, but it shows. I feel really bad for this kid. And he keeps playing and nobody says anything. I've expressed concern but I'm just his teacher, it isn't my decision. This kid's mind is already ruined

I like the little in-joke about Dorian not asking to move in immediately after having sex with you. But I guess he doesn't live in a sewer, so he doesn't have to.

I really miss some of the older characters. I miss Allistair and Anders most of all.

I'm sure Japan already has these.

I think that being good-looking is different from being sexualized. He is really ridiculously good looking. I think that sexualization reduces a character to s bunch of physical traits. You're saying, "Play this character, look at her ass! Her combat movements are sexy! We didn't bother to give her a personality

I'm a woman and I think it's silly. I don't need to see a shirtless guy with rippling muscles. I'd rather have cool-looking armor or something. And I feel the same way for female characters. I love it when armor is practical but still awesome. When it comes to combat, that often means being fully clothed, man or

I think it's creepy, but not so much because of the age. I think it's kinda gross no matter what the age. Maybe it's just the pictures. Why was he in a hospital bed in one? Why does he look like he hasn't showered in a week? Yuck.

I'm a mandated reporter and unfortunately had to call one in last week. It was the first time I ever had to. And they LAUGHED at my report. Then told me they wouldn't investigate it. Sure, it was an odd report, but this student had a history of being abused and was currently in the hands of one of his abusers and I

There are many stories of mothers selling their children to pedophiles or sex traffickers for drugs or whatever. It's sick to think of but it's not strange, just sad. I can't imagine doing that.

I teach high school and every single one of my football players believes this. I'm convinced the coaches are telling them this and it pisses me off. I don't know how many times I've been told that they don't have to try in my class because they're going to play football in college and then play in the pros. None of

Chrissy Chrissy, can't handle acting 'cause he's a sissy?

Seriously, I could live off of Nutty Bars. They are amazing. And fudge rounds? Omg.

I have this problem too, she looks completely different in every picture I see of her.

I don't have a strong opinion about her but they both look really beautiful in this picture, can't hate.

Yeah I don't get this, I see this all the time.

He wore this coat in season 1 and it was super fabulous, but in this shot it looks completely out of place. You'd think a photographer would realize this and change it up.