
If you want real change to happen, I don’t think the place to start is at the top of the ticket in a presidential election year. Third parties should be building at the local and state levels to create active and vibrant political parties and the aparati necessary to win and govern there. Once they start doing that

I voted for Stein in the previous election, partly because I live in Massachusetts and there was no way Obama would lose there. But the short-term implications of allowing Trump to become President are completely unacceptable. The long-term implications are also likely to be severely negative. I agree that we need to

I like Stein and if my voting for her had any realistic chance of helping her become president, I would. But it doesn’t. She’s going to lose. The only two people who have a shot are Clinton and Trump, and I’m going to vote for the one who isn’t insane, even if she’s not my top pick.

I guess you could say... Don’t cross the streams.

Never noticed the color symmetry: hair shirt, towel hair.

I disagree; I hate Event Horzion. However, this article suggests that its problems are conceptual, which I don't agree with at all. I love the ideas behind EH, I just think the script and direction are sloppy and artless.

The way I see it, Watchmen is a foundational text for post-Bronze Age DC the way the Lee-Kirby era Fantastic Four and their other collaborations were for Marvel in the 1980s. For years, major creators like John Byrne and Walt Simonson obsessed over Kirby’s work, imitating it, playing off of it, always trying to come

Venturing outside of Star Strek, his face looks like that of a Narn.

I am also pleased by this, but I’m going to go ahead and pretend I hadn’t noticed because IMO the goal is for diversity in casting to get so normalised that it isn’t even remarkable any more. Like when the first idiot complains that they’re changing the race, I wanna say “oh did they? I hadn’t noticed!”

Those are the same people who scream Michael Bay ruined TMNT. I watched all the ones from the 80/90s, the cartoon on CBS. They took Eastman and Lairds dark gritty series and turned it into kid’s entertainment. They ruined my childhood when I was still a child.

That’s cool. I’m going to see this movie because I have such a crush on Kate McKinnon.

It’s sad that neither Star Wars nor Fantasy Flight didn’t credit the artist of the work in their tweet. Not the first I’ve heard of Fantasy Flight allegedly slighting their artists.

As an astronomer I may be (slightly) biased, but I do think we’re one of the most open scientists, in terms of sharing data, results, and credits. Almost every astronomical paper is freely available for anyone to read, and there’s lot of archives where anyone can download images or source catalogs. Astronomers are

Snarky Time Cube Guy comments aside, this is awesome. I love how everyone involved in this is conspicuously doing the right thing and working hard to set the record straight. This is the best of Science, in a nutshell.

Well, prototype that on Earth first, and I’ll consider it.

No! This is io9! We will have groupmind or nothing!

Still not over Bowie. :’(