
If you want real change to happen, I don’t think the place to start is at the top of the ticket in a presidential election year. Third parties should be building at the local and state levels to create active and vibrant political parties and the aparati necessary to win and govern there. Once they start doing that

I voted for Stein in the previous election, partly because I live in Massachusetts and there was no way Obama would lose there. But the short-term implications of allowing Trump to become President are completely unacceptable. The long-term implications are also likely to be severely negative. I agree that we need to

I like Stein and if my voting for her had any realistic chance of helping her become president, I would. But it doesn’t. She’s going to lose. The only two people who have a shot are Clinton and Trump, and I’m going to vote for the one who isn’t insane, even if she’s not my top pick.

I guess you could say... Don’t cross the streams.

If you think Trump winning would be unfair, what would a fair result be? The GOP had 4 years to come up with candidates that weren’t chucklefucks or robots. They failed. They made their Trump bed, now they can lie in it.

Except Deadwood, Rome, Game of Thrones don’t just rely on shock value.

Unless it’s the shock value of main characters being killed off.

Game Maker: “We have listened to fan complaints and have changes some aspects of our game accordingly.”

They should treat them. To an ice cream cone after their pediatrician’s appointment.

SE Cupp interviewed Carly Fiorina for Glamour and in it she added an editorial about how she wished women cared about tax/fiscal issues as they did about reproductive health issues. That right there was proof enough that Republican women do. not. get. it. For so, so many people reproductive health issues ARE fiscal

I really hope that, if offered, Warren turns down a VP slot; she deserves far better.

I 100% do not think this is a joke and I have not for a real long time, this shit is fucking terrifying

What would it be ‘retelling,’ though? Diablo has medieval ‘Judeo-Christian’ elements, but it’s not telling a religious narrative at all. There’s nothing in the Bible about a giant horned demon monster king living in a tiered dungeon underground filled with creepy monsters and undead ghouls, nor about an armored

“press ‘p’ to pay your respects”
Well done.

I was assuming it was like, a poop meter that slowly fills up and you eventually have to press ‘p’ to pay your respects and if you don’t then you die of toxic shock syndrome or sepsis or something.

MoO’s model of research, where technologies were split into separate paths that different races had various affinities for? A model where less creative races were forced to either trade or make difficult choices about what branches of research to explore? That’s been replaced with a flat, Civilization-esque technology

So if I didn’t like the comic, should I pass on the show? I remember the comic being a lot of “XTREME for the sake of being edgy”, and getting bored very quickly of the gratuitous violence that served no purpose other than to just be there. I stopped reading completely after the bad guy with the penis head crash

Not sure what’s not clear about his reply. He’s part man, part machine, and all cop. And he has a very special relationship with his vacuum. It’s all very natural, except for the artificial parts, of course.

Say whatever you want, call me PC elitist, but this is the reason why PC gaming is the best. A game released in 2000 recieve a patch to be playable on current software. 16 years after release! I know not a lot of companies do that, but almost any game with some following has a mod that lets it run on current OSs. In