
Or multiple entrances to the same lodge. But yeah its all very ambiguous and open to multiple interpretations.

My interpretation of it was that Philip Jeffries (Bowie) was another FBI agent who disappeared, perhaps while investigating another missing/dead woman named Judy. He comes back all of a sudden, fulfilling Cooper’s prophetic dream of his return. Instead of talking about his disappearance or his case, he tries to warn

He looks like he really wants to defeat those GI Joes.

But if we follow that crazy logic it would mean that the prequels are canon.

Why is everyone assuming that her physical body would look Japanese?

I would guess that it has to do with constant acceleration with essentially no friction. It might not actually reach .2C until the halfway point (after which you’d want to begin deceleration.)

Watchmmen is okay visually but completely misunderstands the moral and emotional points that hold the work together as a graphic novel. Snyder paints in big dumb strokes of good vs. evil and gives no insight into the moral ambiguity that is the entire point of Watchmen. Ozymandias and Rorschach particularly suffer

Wow, they actually did a really nice job on the costume design.

Ad astra per aspera. Maddie Stone, thanks for keeping us updated on space news, and just generally for posting all of the coolest stuff.

He’s not a serial killer, he just doesn’t understand anything resembling internal emotional states. He just thinks in terms of big operatic pseudo-emotional swoops such as Robin dead -> therefore Batman angry.

I’m pretty shocked at how visually boring this looks. Muted color palette and boring compositions in every shot.

Interesting take on bringing the comic style to life, but I always imagined Clint being slightly older and way more tired.

I’m glad you posted this so that I don’t have to. ;)

Look Around You is hilarious! Had no idea this guy was a co-creator. My expectations for this Tick series just went way up.

Well said. I think this is the answer to the supposed paradox. We are the product of our experiences, which is ever-changing.

A Mind Forever Voyaging by Steve Meretzky. It was this text game where you’re an AI that explores a simulation of modern day world, and all the game asked you to do is walk around the city and do stuff like read a newspaper or go for a meal. And then slowly you kind of skip forward in time, and this simulation kind of

The strange body plan makes me think of some of the extinct phyla from the Burgess Shale. I wonder if they ran into some similar evolutionary difficulties?

My pleasure, I hope you both enjoy it. :)