It’s crazy and sad that the Tiptree strategy is still advantageous.
It’s crazy and sad that the Tiptree strategy is still advantageous.
I don’t hate the idea of having a game in the Metroid universe without Samus. What I just don’t get is the art style. The chibi proportions of the soldiers just don’t seem to fit with any visual style previously seen in the IP.
It is a lot easier to insult someone than to explain why you think they’re wrong. If you are unwilling or unable to articulate your opinion about the film I see no reason why I should revise my opinion.
To put it another way: I thought it was a perfectly good premise for a fantasy/fairy tale ruined by being padded out with unnecessary and axe fights and meaningless sci-fi exposition. If you liked it that’s fine, I’m happy for you, but I’m honestly puzzled all the glowing reviews I’ve seen of it. I felt like it was a…
My problem was that it was full of super blatant symbolism and then constantly dives back into exposition about how the planet got frozen, how the train got built, blah blah. IT DOESN’T MATTER. Just tell your fairy tale. The train cars are a metaphor for social class. We’re not idiots; just get on with it. /rant
That sounds awesome in every way. Thanks very much for the info!
Wow. I don’t know what series this is, but it’s a great example of what I hate about most modern anime or why I find older anime more interesting.
“One Weird Trick for Simplifying Your Personal Life” by Lois Lane
I don’t know what this is, but I like it.
Agree. The twitter comment about him falling into a “vat of Hot Topic” is spot on. This design is just full of cliches. Hell, I’d like this design a lot better if he just had various corny old jokes tattooed on him, “Why did the chicken cross the road?” At least that would be something unexpected.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Cowboy Bebop. I still think that's one of the best introductions to anime. It avoids a lot of the usual anime cliches, has a good mix of tones (action, humor, drama), and it doesn't waste your time with filler. Also, watch Princess Mononoke if for some reason you haven't.
They’re like a bunch of horny chessmasters.
The moral of the story is that everyone should calibrate their monitors.
This is why "two guys beating the shit out of each other" maybe shouldn't be a sport.
We shouldn't conflate genetic desirability with value judgements. Our genetic instincts are the beginning of behavior but, thankfully, we don't have to follow them.
I recommend Brothers if you have not already played it.
I will file this under "study results that should surprise no one".
Also I find it amazingly hard to believe that with two motion pictures, two tv shows, various comics and 15 or so games released without break over the last 25 years that Conan isn't familiar with Mortal Kombat and that the players are just sort of familiar. Quit trying to be too cool for school people... you…