And the detail lines above where there should be a belt makes it look like his costume is really uncomfortably bunching up.
Totally agree. I would really love to see demographic profiles of people who buy/play games like this.
This concept for a game is just so ridiculous. Not in that its a wild and unheard of idea, its actually a really obvious idea for a game, but the fact that people want to see what it’s like to be a truck driver is just hilarious to me.
One of Ghost in the Shell’s major features was that gender doesn’t exist with the major, so neither should ethnicity. Cyborg.
Yeah, considering how long Gabe has been in the public eye without doing anything like this, I’m willing to believe this dude fucked up something major.
No. He said we should question our perspectives on violent media. He holds still that violent games do not cause real-world violence, but also that violent games are often shallow and without context or consequence that follows real-world violence because of the hollywood-style of storytelling that they have…
Designer Warren Spector is now studio director at OtherSide Entertainment, who are currently working on System Shock 3 and Underworld Ascendent. This is a bit of a coming home party for Spector, who worked on the older Ultima Underworld and System Shock games.
If you grab them right now, Jet Set Radio and a handful of other Sega games aren’t just free for the moment; they’re…
That’s their own fault. It’s not like that information is hard to find.
Gamers need to stop looking at money/hours comparisons. A $20, 3 hour, genuinely good game is a better value than a $20, 20 hour time waster of a a game, which is a lot of campaigns out there. I would much rather drop $20 on something that’s memorable like Firewatch or Gone Home than $20 on a mediocre shooter that I…
People spend $18 for a 2 hour movie...why is $18 for a 3 hour game expensive?
A Supreme Court justice, ideally, is not a Democrat or a Republican but rather someone who can impartially evaluate complicated legal issues irrespective of politics.
Last month, game releases picked up in speed after the end-of-holiday lull of December. As a result, we have 21…
I thought the same. They even talked about how Eboshi bandaged their “rotting flesh."
I mean, I thought knowing this was integral to understanding Lady Eboshi’s character. All of the people that worked for her came from two groups: lepers, and former prostitutes. Essentially she employed outcasts that would normally have been shunned, making that aspect of her very humane and caring.
Wait, the fact they were lepers and discriminated against elsewhere was an urban legend? I thought that was a super obvious part of the story.
Worst idea ever! Made me pee like a horse. Good thing there was an empty jug nearby .