
Does it make a difference if the person in question has the hots for your partner? Maybe it’s just me, but when that person would be SO down in case my partner ever wanted some extracurriculars, I feel like it’s a hard pass for me. His friends don’t have to be my friends, but they do need to have a basic respect for

“He offends me,” Bourdain stated, while also criticizing the Trump Taj Mahal casino. “It’s everything I hate. It’s the enemy of the human spirit.”

I was that girl. I was deeply insecure and socially isolated in a very unstable, emotionally abusive home whose reality was masked by money. But I had the eating disorder, the cutting, panic attacks, all kinds of red flags that all was not well at home. I was around this age when MySpace was big and I ended up sending

What 26-year-old man other than a sexual abuser and/or rapist would be even remotely interested in a 14-year-old child? That’s something I will never understand.

Same bro. I was the angstyist, angriest, fattest little virgin high schooler you could ever imagine. Just picture it. Overweight, SUPER emo, self-loathing, misogynistic little asshole. I thank (ironically) a particular ex girlfriend and my ex wife for being, as you said, positive female influences for me. Luckily,

Something tells me, too, that “crappy parenting” generally falls more on the mother’s shoulders than the father’s. Just another way to blame women.

It’s almost like what the feminists have been saying all these decades about how patriarchy ruins everybody who isn’t the dominant male were on to something, and maybe some of the men who find themselves on the shit end of that stick might take up figurative arms to overthrow it instead of taking up actual arms to

I once even read a comment saying women should have sacrificed and dated these guys so no one would have been killed, it is the bitches fault yo!

trying to blame something else other than my own bullshit.


It just saddens me because there are so many women out there who feel rejected or lonely or sad because they’re single but I have never met a woman who managed to take “I’m sad because I’m single” to the conclusion, “Men are the problem for rejecting me and I must take violent revenge on them.” There are examples of

The thing that always frustrates me is these guys are always saying “NO ONE” will date them when they usually mean “No one who’s 5’5” with 38-28-36 measurements and a Maxim spread who likes to watch anime with me and make me sandwiches.” Granted, this particular guy had deeper issues, but as a formerly lonely nerdy

Also “increasingly marginalized” = increasingly less completely dominant in all spheres, so. Cry me a river indeed.

It’s like they want and expect women to be there willing and eager to bang them anytime, anywhere, any way that they want, basically, their own personal, opinion-less and voiceless fuck dolls that they can treat as less than human, while simultaneously throwing a fit and shouting that any woman who dares have sex with

Yes, but the menz are entitled to a woman. We shouldn’t expect to ever have a man, and if we do, we are so incredibly lucky one of them picked us! So if a man doesn’t get what he’s been expecting all his life, well of course he’s going to get angry/sullen and not hold his emotions!

Overly simplistic. Guns obviously play a major role, especially in regards to how many people can be killed in a short time. But the idea that toxic masculinity, bullying, mental health, and misogyny do not play vital and critical roles in these tragic events exposes a bias and agenda that time and time again have

I’m surprised someone hasn’t tried to give the whole “girls don’t sleep with me so I’m murderous” thing a name in the hopes of legitimizing it. Like testicular retention induced psychosis. Or a friendlier sounding “He had a case of the jizzblocked cranial crazies.”

My cousin posted this on Facebook today, linking to this article about how the poor menz are not getting good jobs and attracting “mates.”

One aspect of this that really pisses me off (bros being irrationally pissed off that girls don’t want to date them, that is) is that they completely fail to acknowledge that girls and women experience THAT SAME EXACT SHIT. I mean I guess to them, we aren’t fully human, so maybe that explains it.

I fell in love once...